Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow health Transcript

Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow health Transcript


Started: Jan 23, 2021 | Total Time: 185 min
Diana Shadow
Begin by confirming the patient’s name and date of birth. Which of the following is the most appropriate way to do so?
Your avatar
Hello. I’ll be taking care of you tonight. Can you tell me your name and when you were born?

01/23/21 6:33 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
Hey . . . Gabriel . . . I’m 8 . . .”
Yvonne Martinez
His name is Gabriel Martinez. Gabriel is 8. Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow health Transcript
Diana Shadow
You should also confirm Ms. Martinez’s relationship with Gabriel. Which of the following questions is the most appropriate way to do so?
Your avatar
Hello. Are you Gabriel’s guardian?

01/23/21 6:34 PM PST

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Yvonne Martinez
Yes. I’m his mother.
Diana Shadow
Which of the following actions should you perform first?
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I want to interview the patient and guardian to establish Chief Complaint.

01/23/21 6:37 PM PST

Your avatar
What brings you in today?

01/23/21 6:38 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
It’s really hard to breathe . . . I have asthma . . .
Yvonne Martinez
Yes, my son started having difficulty breathing after school today. It’s been about 4 hours or so.
Diana Shadow
What should you do next?
Your avatar
Now that I have established Gabriel’s chief complaint, I need to take his vitals and conduct a pediatric asthma severity (PAS) score to better understand the severity of the patient’s condition.

01/23/21 6:39 PM PST

Diana Shadow
Perform all of the following assesments and record the vitals in your EHR. Use the PAS Score tab in the EHR to calculate Gabriel’s total score and choose the appropriate exacerbation severity for Assessed PAS – PreIntervention in the Objective Data tab. Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow health Transcript
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 Auscultated breath sounds: expiratory and inspiratory wheezing

Exam Action
01/23/21 6:40 PM PST

Diana Shadow
Select your next course of action.
Your avatar
 Inpected chest: Mild intercostal retractions visible

Exam Action
01/23/21 6:43 PM PST

Diana Shadow
Select your next course of action.
Your avatar
 You observe so far during the assessment that Gabriel is speaking in partial sentences before having to take a breath.

Exam Action
01/23/21 6:44 PM PST

Diana Shadow
Select your next course of action.
Your avatar
 Assessed vitals

Exam Action
01/23/21 6:45 PM PST

Diana Shadow
Select your next course of action.
Diana Shadow
Now choose the corresponding severity description under Assessed PAS-PreIntervention in the Objective Data tab.
Diana Shadow
You now know the patient’s chief complaint, and you have collected his vitals and determined a PAS score. What should you do next?
Your avatar
Now that I have determined Gabriel’s chief complaint, vitals, and PAS score, I have enough information to initiate the Asthma Exacerbation Protocol and finally relieve Gabriel’s respiratory distress.

01/23/21 7:14 PM PST

Diana Shadow
Unfortunately, you have not collected enough information about Gabriel’s condition to initiate a protocol at this time.
Diana Shadow
You have not selected the most critical and necessary action. The incorrect response you selected has been removed. Try again with the remaining responses.
Diana Shadow
You now know the patient’s chief complaint, and you have collected his vitals and determined a PAS score. What should you do next?
Your avatar
I want to get a spirometer reading to confirm my findings so far. Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow health Transcript

01/23/21 7:14 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
I did one before we came in.
Diana Shadow
Your second choice is not the most critical and necessary action, either. The incorrect responses you have selected have been removed. Select the correct response, and you will move on to the next question.
Diana Shadow
You now know the patient’s chief complaint, and you have collected his vitals and determined a PAS score. What should you do next?
Your avatar
I want to ask about allergies to medication.

01/23/21 7:15 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
No, he doesn’t have medicine allergies.
Diana Shadow
You’ve determined the patient’s chief complaint, collected vitals and a PAS score, and inquired about medicine allergies. What should you do next?
Your avatar
In order to rule out additional respiratory complications, I need to ask a handful of key history of present illness questions.

01/23/21 7:15 PM PST

Diana Shadow
At this stage you have collected the necessary and critical information to safely initiate the asthma exacerbation protocol. Any other assessments or tests are unnecessary at this time.
Diana Shadow
You have not selected the most critical and necessary action. The incorrect response you selected has been removed. Try again with the remaining responses.
Diana Shadow
You’ve determined the patient’s chief complaint, collected vitals and a PAS score, and inquired about medicine allergies. What should you do next?
Your avatar
I want to inform the patient and his guardian that I have determined that Gabriel is experiencing a moderate asthma exacerbation and am ready to begin treatment. I will ask them if they have any questions or anything else they’d like to tell me before I order the initiation of the Shadowville General Hospital Asthma Exacerbation Protocol. Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow health Transcript

01/23/21 7:16 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
No. No questions, thank you.
Diana Shadow
Your assessment of Gabriel has determined he is currently experiencing a moderate asthma exacerbation. Your protocol order is approved and you administer albuterol via nebulizer and prednisone orally.
Your avatar
Hello Gabriel, I am Nurse xxxx and I will be interviewing you and later perform a physical assessment

01/23/21 7:23 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
Your avatar
How are you feeling?

01/23/21 7:24 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
I feel better now . . . I can definitely breathe better, but my chest is kinda sore.
Your avatar
Sorry about your chest being sore

01/23/21 7:25 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
Everyone is really nice here. Thank you very very very much!
Your avatar
How does your chest feel?

01/23/21 7:26 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
My chest doesn’t feel as tight now. It’s still a little sore though. Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow health Transcript
Your avatar
Do you feel any wheezing?

01/23/21 7:26 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
My breath was squeaky earlier, but I can’t hear it anymore.
Your avatar
Okay, got it

01/23/21 7:26 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
Thanks, that makes me feel better.
Your avatar
When did the breathing problem start?

01/23/21 7:27 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
My attack started after kickball . . . and it got worse and worse when we got home.
Your avatar
Sorry about that Gabriel

01/23/21 7:27 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
Oh wow, thanks.
Your avatar
What worsens the breathing problem?

01/23/21 7:27 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
Ummmm smokers. Smoke makes my breathing a lot worse.
Your avatar
Sorry about that

01/23/21 7:28 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
Ok, thanks.
Your avatar
Are you normally around smoke?

01/23/21 7:28 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
I try to stay away from it. But these new kids were smoking by the kickball field after school today.
Your avatar
It is good to stay away from anyone smoking

01/23/21 7:29 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
I guess that makes sense.
Your avatar
What triggers your asthma?

01/23/21 7:29 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
Smoke bothers me a lot. I try to stay away from it. But today some kids I’ve never seen before were smoking at my afterschool program.
Your avatar
What action did you take after the asthma attacK

01/23/21 7:30 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
Well I . . . I guess I’m supposed to take my emergency inhaler, but . . . I threw it away. So we don’t have it anymore.
Your avatar
Ooh, you should always ensure you have the inhaler at a safe and accessible place

01/23/21 7:31 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
Ohhh, yeah. Good . . . to . . . know.
Your avatar
What is the name of the inhaler you were using?

01/23/21 7:31 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
I dunno. I think my mom does.
Your avatar
Why did you throw away the inhaler?

01/23/21 7:32 PM PST

Gabriel Martinez
I hate the way that inhaler makes me all . . . shaky. It makes my heart beat too fast. That’s why, when my mom told me to clean out my backpack, I threw it in the trash.

Title: Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow Health Transcript

Date: January 23, 2021 | Total Time: 185 minutes

Diana Shadow:
Starts by confirming the patient’s name and date of birth. Asks the appropriate way to do so.

Gabriel Martinez:
Responds, saying his name is Gabriel and he’s 8 years old.

Yvonne Martinez:
Confirms that Gabriel’s name is Gabriel Martinez and he is 8 years old.

Diana Shadow:
Instructs to confirm Ms. Martinez’s relationship with Gabriel and asks the right question.

Yvonne Martinez:
Confirms that she is Gabriel’s mother.

Diana Shadow:
Instructs what action should be performed first.

Diana Shadow:
Asks Gabriel about the reason for his visit.

Gabriel Martinez:
Mentions that he’s having difficulty breathing due to his asthma.

Yvonne Martinez:
Confirms that Gabriel started having breathing problems after school and it’s been about 4 hours.

Diana Shadow:
Instructs what to do next.

Diana Shadow:
Guides through a series of assessments, including observing breath sounds and chest retractions, and prompts to choose the next action.

Gabriel Martinez:
Mentions having expiratory and inspiratory wheezing.

Diana Shadow:
Continues guiding the assessment and prompts for the next action.

Diana Shadow:
Notes Gabriel speaking in partial sentences before taking a breath.

Diana Shadow:
Continues guiding the assessment and prompts for the next action.

Diana Shadow:
Records assessed vitals and prompts for the next action.

Diana Shadow:
Guides to choose the appropriate severity description based on the assessed PAS score.

Diana Shadow:
Instructs on the next steps after collecting chief complaint, vitals, and PAS score.

Diana Shadow:
Provides feedback that there isn’t enough information to initiate a protocol yet.

Diana Shadow:
Guides to ask about allergies to medication.

Yvonne Martinez:
States that Gabriel doesn’t have medicine allergies.

Diana Shadow:
Guides to inquire about Gabriel’s allergies and their impact.

Yvonne Martinez:
Mentions that Gabriel is allergic to pets, dust, and pollen, which worsen his asthma.

Diana Shadow:
Guides through asking about the impact of environmental allergies on Gabriel’s asthma.

Yvonne Martinez:
Explains that Gabriel’s allergies make his asthma worse, especially during pollen season.

Diana Shadow:
Provides education about keeping away from allergy triggers.

Diana Shadow:
Asks about Gabriel’s history of hospitalization.

Yvonne Martinez:
Confirms that Gabriel was hospitalized a year ago due to his asthma.

Diana Shadow:
Offers empathy and understanding about the challenges of having a hospitalized child.

Yvonne Martinez:
Expresses appreciation for the understanding.

Diana Shadow:
Asks about the reason for Gabriel’s previous hospitalization.

Yvonne Martinez:
Explains that he was around smoke and his rescue inhaler didn’t work.

Diana Shadow:
Offers empathy and understanding about the ordeal.

Yvonne Martinez:
Appreciates the understanding and mentions doing her best.

Diana Shadow:
Provides education about managing asthma triggers.

Diana Shadow:
Inquires about Gabriel’s exercise-related asthma triggers.

Yvonne Martinez:
Explains that too much exercise could trigger an asthma attack.

Diana Shadow:
Inquires about tobacco use in the family.

Yvonne Martinez:
States that no one in the family uses tobacco.

Diana Shadow:
Offers education about the risks of smoking for people with respiratory issues.

Diana Shadow:
Inquires about Gabriel’s childcare situation.

Yvonne Martinez:
Explains her work hours and how Gabriel spends time with family members.

Diana Shadow:
Offers empathy and appreciation for Yvonne’s efforts as a single parent.

Diana Shadow:
Asks about any health problems that run in the family.

Yvonne Martinez:
Mentions asthma isn’t in the family, but her father has heart disease and her brother has diabetes.

Diana Shadow:
Offers empathy for her father and brother’s conditions.

Diana Shadow:
Offers empathy and reassurance about Gabriel’s condition getting better.

Diana Shadow:
Records ID band check and vitals assessment.

Diana Shadow:
Auscultates various breath sounds and records findings.

Interaction ends.

Sometimes I give him an over the counter antihistamine, when his allergies are bad or the pollen count is high.
Your avatar
What are some of your son’s allergies? (No matching questions found.)

01/23/21 8:09 PM PST

Your avatar
alleges? (No matching questions found.) Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow health Transcript

01/23/21 8:09 PM PST

Your avatar
Any allergies?

01/23/21 8:09 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
I don’t, no. Just my son does. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
Your avatar
What allergies does your son have?

01/23/21 8:10 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
Pets, dust, pollen. He’s not allergic to any of the other obvious stuff. No food or medicine or latex or anything.
Your avatar
How does your son’s environmental allergies impact his asthma?

01/23/21 8:11 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
Gabriel’s allergies always make his asthma worse. I can and do keep dust and dander out of the house, but pollen is a different story. The last time he had trouble with his asthma like this was during pollen season.
Your avatar
It is always good to keep the allergy triggers away

01/23/21 8:12 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
Yeah . . . Yeah, I get it. We’ll work on that.
Your avatar
Has your son been hospitalized before?

01/23/21 8:13 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
Yes, he went to the hospital a year ago, because of his asthma.
Your avatar
Sorry about that. Being hospitalized can really take a toll on any parent Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow health Transcript

01/23/21 8:14 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
Thank you for saying that.
Your avatar
Why was your son last hospitalized?

01/23/21 8:14 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
He was hospitalized last year because of his asthma. The night before, he was around some smoke — cigarette smoke, and maybe smoke from fireworks . . . We tried his rescue inhaler at home, but it wasn’t working, so I brought him to the ER. Kind of similar to this time, actually.
Your avatar
Sorry about that ordeal.

01/23/21 8:15 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
Thank you. I’m . . . I’m just doing the best I can.
Your avatar
Please let him always keep away from triggers such as smoke

01/23/21 8:16 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
Alright, I understand.
Your avatar
How does exercise impact your son’s asthma?

01/23/21 8:16 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
Too much exercise could trigger an asthma attack. He knows the rules. He can walk, but he isn’t supposed to run.
Your avatar
Does anyone in your family use tobacco?

01/23/21 8:17 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
No, none of us do.
Your avatar
That is great. Smoking is really bad for health, especially in people with respiratory problems such as asthma

01/23/21 8:18 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
That makes a lot of sense, thank you.
Your avatar
What is your childcare situation?

01/23/21 8:18 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
I work 55 hours a week. Gabriel goes to after-school clubs, so I pick him up around 5:30. He’s really close to my parents, so sometimes on the weekends he spends the night with his Lito and Lita. Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow health Transcript
Your avatar
Raising a child alone is really challenging. I know you are a great parent. Even Gabriel really appreciates you. But I am aware being a single parent can be difficult. You are really doing a great job by taking care of your son alone

01/23/21 8:22 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
Thank you for saying that.
Your avatar
What is your childcare situation?

01/23/21 8:23 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
I work 55 hours a week. Gabriel goes to after-school clubs, so I pick him up around 5:30. He’s really close to my parents, so sometimes on the weekends he spends the night with his Lito and Lita.
Your avatar
What health problems run in your family?

01/23/21 8:23 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
There’s nothing like asthma in the family. But my father has heart disease and my brother has diabetes.
Your avatar
Sorry about your father and brother’s conditions.

01/23/21 8:24 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
Thank you. I’m . . . I’m just doing the best I can.
Your avatar
Also sorry about your son’s asthma. He will get better.

01/23/21 8:24 PM PST

Yvonne Martinez
Thanks, I appreciate that.
Your avatar

Exam Action
01/23/21 8:27 PM PST

Your avatar
 Assessed vitals

Exam Action
01/23/21 8:27 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated top right chest breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:10 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated top left chest breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:10 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated upper right chest breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:10 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated upper left chest breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:10 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated lower right chest breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:10 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated lower left chest breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:10 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated top left back breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:10 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated top right back breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:10 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated upper left back breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:11 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated upper right back breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:11 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated lower left back breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:11 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated lower right back breath sounds: normal breathing
Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow health Transcript

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:11 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated lower left chest breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:11 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated lower right chest breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:11 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated upper right chest breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:11 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated upper left chest breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:11 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated top left chest breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:11 PM PST

Your avatar
 Auscultated top right chest breath sounds: normal breathing

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:11 PM PST

Your avatar
 No abnormal findings

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:11 PM PST

Your avatar
 Assessed dyspnea

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:13 PM PST

Your avatar
Your avatar
 PAS Score: determine the PAS Score using the EHR tab

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:19 PM PST

Your avatar
 Assessed growth

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:21 PM PST

Your avatar
 Assessed vitals Gabriel Martinez Asthma Exacerbation Shadow health Transcript

Exam Action
01/23/21 11:23 PM PST

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