Tina Jones Respiratory Shadowhealth

Tina Jones Respiratory Shadowhealth

Experience Overview

Patient: Tina Jones

Tina Jones Respiratory Shadowhealth
Experience Overview

shadow health assignments

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Patient: Tina Jones
Digital Clinical Experience Score
This score measures your performance on the Student Performance Index in relation to other students in comparable academic programs. Your instructor has chosen to scale your Student Performance Index score so that the average score on the index is 80.0%. This score may not be your final grade if your instructor chooses to include additional components, such as documentation or time spent.
Student Performance Index

out of


Proficiency Level:

Students rated as “proficient” show entry-level expertise in advanced practice competencies and clinical reasoning skills. In comparable programs, the top 25% of students perform at the level of a proficient practitioner.

Subjective Data Collection

out of

Objective Data Collection

out of

Education and Empathy

out of



Started: May 14, 2020 | Total Time: 138 min

Hello! Question
0x/x4/2x 8:xx PM MDT

Hi. I’m Preceptor Diana. I will explain the details of this assignment and your objectives, just as a preceptor would in real life. Pay close attention to this information as it will help guide your exam. At the end of this prebrief, you will answer a short question about the upcoming assignment. During the simulation, you may return to these instructions at any time by scrolling to the top of your transcript.

What is the situation? Question
0x/x4/2x 8:xx PM MDT

It’s noon on Tina Jones’ first day as a patient here at Shadow General Hospital. Your role in this simulation is that of a healthcare provider who will perform a full respiratory exam on Ms. Jones given her history of asthma.

What else will this exam involve? Question
0x/14/2x 8:xx PM MDT

You will complete nursing tasks to protect the patients’ safety, privacy, and health. You can document your findings, including vital signs, in the Electronic Health Record. This record provides necessary information for healthcare professionals who will continue patient care. Activities other than Subjective and Objective Data Collection, such as Documentation and Education and Empathy, provide valuable practice for their real-world counterparts. However, they are not automatically graded by the simulation.

How will I be evaluated? Question

In this assignment, you will be evaluated on your Subjective and Objective Data Collection. The evaluation of your interview depends on how you phrase your questions therapeutically and precisely and explore all relevant topics comprehensively. The evaluation of your physical exam is based on how well you report your physical findings by selecting clinical terms in the Electronic Health Record. This assignment takes an average of 40 to 50 minutes. You can pause and resume the assignment at any time; your work is always saved automatically.

How does this assignment prepare me for the real world? Question

In this assessment, you will become familiar with the structure and content of respiratory exams so that with real-life patients, you can: º ask effective and comprehensive questions º use therapeutic language º evaluate the patient’s risk of disease, infection, injury, and complications º and obtain and assess objective data.

What are my objectives in this assessment? Question

In your interview with Ms. Jones, you will ask about her respiratory system and identify any risk factors so that you can determine current and potential issues. If you discover any disease states, ask about symptoms and the patient’s experiences of them. Your questioning should cover a broad array of the symptoms’ characteristics. You will also inquire about the health history of Ms. Jones’ family with regards to the respiratory system so you can determine her genetic predisposition to any diseases. Regardless of whether you have assessed Tina previously, ask all medically relevant questions about her respiratory system. Besides collecting subjective data, you will perform a physical exam on Ms. Jones’ respiratory system to gather objective data about the system’s health and physiology. While you should communicate with patients using accessible, everyday language, it is standard practice to use professional medical terminology everywhere else, such as documenting physical findings and nursing notes. You may complete the exam activities in any order and move between them as needed.

What is the situation? Question
0x/14/2x xxx PM MDT

It’s noon on Tina Jones’ first day as a patient here at Shadow General Hospital. Your role in this simulation is that of a healthcare provider who will perform a full respiratory exam on Ms. Jones given her history of asthma.

What is the situation? Question
xxx PM MDT

It’s noon on Tina Jones’ first day as a patient here at Shadow General Hospital. Your role in this simulation is that of a healthcare provider who will perform a full respiratory exam on Ms. Jones given her history of asthma.

In 1 or 2 sentences, answer this question to help prepare for the upcoming exam: Based on your current knowledge, explain the pathophysiology of asthma.

Hello. Asthma is a lung condition defined by ongoing inflammation of the respiratory tubes, tightening of smooth muscles, and bronchoconstriction Statement
05/14/20 8:35 PM MDT

Time to begin.

Hello. My name is xxxx and I will be interviewing you today and later performing a physical exam. Greet


Please tell me what is your name Q

Tina Jones.

Your date of birth? Question

February 17th.

How old are you? Question

I’m 28.

What brought you to the clinic today? Question
xx/14/xxPM MDT

Hi. My name is xxx. I will be interviewing you today and later examine you.

10/03/20 4:23 AM EDT


What is your name?

10/03/20 4:34 AM EDT

Tina Jones.

What is your date of birth?

10/03/20 4:45 AM EDT

February 17th.

How old are you?

10/03/20 4:55 AM EDT

I’m 28.

What brings you to the clinic today? Question
10/03/20 5:56 AM EDT

I came in because I’ve been having breathing problems, and my

chest has been feeling really tight and heavy. I also have this constant wheeze. It’s been going on for a few weeks now, and it’s just getting worse. It’s been hard to do my usual activities because of it.

What brings you to the clinic today? Question
0x/14/2x 8:xx PM MDT

She said she’s been having trouble breathing, her chest has felt tight and heavy, and she has a constant wheeze. It’s been going on for a few weeks and has been progressively getting worse, to the point where it’s hard for her to do her usual activities.

I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way. Can you tell me more about your breathing problems? Question
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

You mentioned that you’ve been having some breathing problems and that your chest has been feeling tight and heavy. Can you tell me more about that? Question
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

You mentioned that you’ve been having some breathing problems and your chest has been feeling tight and heavy. Can you tell me more about that? Question
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

You mentioned experiencing breathing problems, chest tightness, and heaviness. Can you provide me with more details about these symptoms? Question
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

You mentioned having breathing problems, chest tightness, and heaviness in your chest. Could you give me more information about these symptoms? Question
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

You mentioned that you’ve been having trouble breathing and experiencing chest tightness and heaviness. Could you please elaborate on these symptoms? Question
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

You mentioned that you’ve been having trouble breathing, experiencing chest tightness, and heaviness. Could you please tell me more about these symptoms? Question
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

You mentioned that your chest has been feeling tight and heavy and that you’re having breathing problems. Could you provide me with more information about what you’re experiencing? Question
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

You mentioned that your chest has been feeling tight and heavy, and you’re having trouble with breathing. Could you please give me more details about these symptoms? Question
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

You mentioned that your chest has been feeling tight and heavy, and you’re having trouble with breathing. Could you please provide me with more information about these symptoms? Question
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

You mentioned that your chest has been feeling tight and heavy, and you’re having trouble with breathing. Can you tell me more about these symptoms? Question
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

Tina, you mentioned that you’ve been having trouble breathing and experiencing chest tightness and heaviness. Can you please tell me more about these symptoms? Question
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

Tina Jones.

February 17th.

I’m 28.

I came in because I’ve been having breathing problems, my chest has been feeling really tight and heavy, and constant wheeze. It’s been going on for a few weeks now, and it’s just getting worse. It’s been hard to do my usual activities because of it.

You mentioned that you’ve been experiencing breathing problems, chest tightness, and heaviness. Could you provide me with more details about these symptoms?
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

Tina Jones.

February 17th.

I’m 28.

I came in because I’ve been having breathing problems, my chest has been feeling really tight and heavy, and constant wheeze. It’s been going on for a few weeks now, and it’s just getting worse. It’s been hard to do my usual activities because of it.

You mentioned that you’ve been experiencing breathing problems, chest tightness, and heaviness. Could you provide me with more details about these symptoms?
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

Tina Jones.

February 17th.

I’m 28.

I came in because I’ve been having breathing problems, my chest has been feeling really tight and heavy, and constant wheeze. It’s been going on for a few weeks now, and it’s just getting worse. It’s been hard to do my usual activities because of it.

You mentioned that you’ve been experiencing breathing problems, chest tightness, and heaviness. Could you provide me with more details about these symptoms?
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

Tina Jones.

February 17th.

I’m 28.

I came in because I’ve been having breathing problems, my chest has been feeling really tight and heavy, and constant wheeze. It’s been going on for a few weeks now, and it’s just getting worse. It’s been hard to do my usual activities because of it.

You mentioned that you’ve been experiencing breathing problems, chest tightness, and heaviness. Could you provide me with more details about these symptoms?
05/14/20 8:xx PM MDT

Tina Jones.

Digital Clinical Experience Score


This score measures your performance on the Student Performance Index in relation to other students in comparable academic programs. Your instructor has chosen to scale your Student Performance Index score so that the average score on the index is a 80.0%. This score may not be your final grade if your instructor chooses to include additional components, such as documentation or time spent.

Student Performance Index


out of


Proficiency Level:


Students rated as “proficient” demonstrate an entry-level expertise in advanced practice competencies and clinical reasoning skills. In comparable programs, the top 25% of students perform at the level of a proficient practitioner.

Subjective Data Collection


out of


Objective Data Collection


out of


Education and Empathy


out of



Started: May 14, 2020 | Total Time: 138 min

Hello! Question
0x/x4/2x 8:xx PM MDT
Hi. I’m Preceptor Diana. I will explain the details of this assignment and your objectives, just as a preceptor would in real life. Pay close attention to this information as it will help guide your exam. At the end of this prebrief, you will answer a short question about the upcoming assignment. During the simulation, you may return to these instructions at any time by scrolling to the top of your transcript.
What is the situation? Question
0x/x4/2x 8:xx PM MDT
It’s noon on Tina Jones’ first day as a patient here at Shadow General Hospital. Your role in this simulation is that of a healthcare provider who will perform a full respiratory exam on Ms. Jones given her history of asthma.
What else will this exam involve? Question
0x/14/2x 8:xx PM MDT
You will complete nursing tasks to protect the patients safety, privacy, and health. You can document your findings, including vital signs, in the Electronic Health Record. This record provides necessary information for healthcare professionals who will continue patient care. Activities other than Subjective and Objective Data Collection, such as Documentation and Education and Empathy, provide valuable practice for their real-world counterparts. However, they are not automatically graded by the simulation.
How will I be evaluated? Question
In this assignment, you will be evaluated on your Subjective and Objective Data Collection. The evaluation of your interview is dependent on how you word your questions therapeutically and precisely and explore all relevant topics with comprehensive breadth and depth. The evaluation of your physical exam is based on how successfully you report on your physical findings by selecting among clinical terms in the Electronic Health Record. This assignment takes on average between 40 and 50 minutes. You can pause and resume the assignment at any time; your work is always saved automatically.
How does this assignment prepare me for the real world? Question
In this assessment, you will become familiarized with the structure and content of respiratory exams so that with real-life patients, you can: º ask effective and comprehensive questions º use therapeutic language º evaluate the patient’s risk of disease, infection, injury, and complications º and obtain and assess objective data.
What are my objectives in this assessment? Question
In your interview with Ms. Jones, you will ask about her respiratory system and identify any risk factors so that you can determine any current and potential issues. If you discover any disease states, ask about symptoms and the patient’s experiences of them. Your questioning should cover a broad array of the symptoms’ characteristics. You will also inquire into the health history of Ms. Jones’ family with regards to the respiratory system so you can determine her genetic predisposition to any diseases. Regardless of whether you have assessed Tina previously, ask all questions that are medically relevant to her respiratory system. In addition to collecting subjective data, you will perform a physical exam on Ms. Jones’ respiratory system to gather objective data about the system’s health and physiology. While you should communicate with patients using accessible, everyday language, it is standard practice to use professional medical terminology everywhere else, such as in documenting physical findings and nursing notes. You may complete the exam activities in any order and move between them as needed.
What is the situation? Question
0x/14/2x xxx PM MDT
It’s noon on Tina Jones’ first day as a patient here at Shadow General Hospital. Your role in this simulation is that of a healthcare provider who will perform a full respiratory exam on Ms. Jones given her history of asthma.
What is the situation? Question
xxx PM MDT
It’s noon on Tina Jones’ first day as a patient here at Shadow General Hospital. Your role in this simulation is that of a healthcare provider who will perform a full respiratory exam on Ms. Jones given her history of asthma.
In 1 or 2 sentences, answer this question to help prepare for the upcoming exam: Based on your current knowledge, explain the pathophysiology of asthma.
Hello. Asthma is a pulmonary condition defined by chronic inflammation of respiratory tubes, tightening of smooth muscle and bronchoconstriction Statement
05/14/20 8:35 PM MDT
Time to begin.
Hello. My name is xxxx and I will be interviewing you today and later do a physical exam. Greet
Please tell me what is your name Q
Tina Jones.
Your date of birth? Question
February 17th.
How old are you? Question
I’m 28.
What brought you to the clinic today? Question
xx/14/xxPM MDT
Hi. My name is xxx . I will be interviewing you today and later examine you.

10/03/20 4:23 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
What is your name?

10/03/20 4:34 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
What is your date of birth?

10/03/20 4:45 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
February 17th.
Your Avatar.
How a old are you?

10/03/20 4:55 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
I’m 28.
Your Avatar.
What brings you to the clinic today?

10/03/20 5:56 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
I came in because I’ve been having breathing problems, and my inhaler just isn’t working the way it normally does.
Your Avatar.
Am sorry to hear that.

10/03/201 5:57 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
I appreciate you saying that.
Your Avatar.
What medical problems do you have?

11/05/21 9:13 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Well. . . I’ve had asthma since I was really little, though for a while there it wasn’t really much of a problem. And I have sugar diabetes, too.
Your Avatar.
What do you use for your asthma?

11/05/21 9:14 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
It’s just a regular Proventil inhaler.
Your Avatar.
How often do you use your inhaler?

11/05/21 9:15 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I’ve been using it probably every. . . four hours or so, I’d say.
Your Avatar.
When did your symptoms start?

11/05/21 9:15 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I don’t know if I’d call it an asthma attack, but my asthma started acting up two days ago at my cousin’s house. She has cats, and I’m allergic, so I’m used to it being a problem there, but usually the inhaler fixes it. . . it doesn’t feel totally under control, though.
Your Avatar.
Am sorry to hear that

11/05/21 9:16 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Thanks for understanding.
Your Avatar.
How long have you had breathing problems?

11/05/21 9:17 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
My breathing’s been acting up off and on for the past two days.
Your Avatar.
How frequent are your shortness of breath episodes?

11/05/21 9:18 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Sometimes it can take a few minutes for me to realize I need my inhaler, then once I use it the wheezing usually gets better. . . I’d say it takes about a minute to work at most after that. So five minutes total, at the longest?
Your Avatar.
How long does one episode last?

11/05/21 9:19 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I haven’t had a full attack in years, but usually once I use my inhaler it only takes a minute or two for my breathing to go back to normal. . . that’s not what’s been happening recently, though.
Your Avatar.
How many times have you had breathing problems in the past 2 days?

11/05/21 9:20 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Well. . . it’s kind of hard to count because my breathing’s been at least a little bad most of the past two days, but it’s really acted up, like with wheezing and everything, probably every four hours or so–like five times each day.
Your Avatar.
Is your asthma keeping you up at night?

11/05/21 9:21 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
My asthma doesn’t usually wake me up, but it has the past couple nights.
Your Avatar.
How bad was your asthma attack?

11/05/21 9:22 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
My asthma used to be really scary. I haven’t had a full attack in years, and if you had asked me before this I would have said my asthma wasn’t that bad anymore, but the last couple days I’ve had a lot of trouble breathing.
Your Avatar.
Is there anything you can’t do because of your asthma?

11/05/21 9:22 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
There usually isn’t anything I can’t do because of my asthma. . . I guess I try to avoid things that make my breathing worse, but that’s about it. The past couple days, though, it’s been hard to do anything.
Your Avatar.
Do you wheeze during an asthma exacerbation?

11/05/21 9:23 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
During a full attack, I would wheeze a lot, like I couldn’t breathe at all, but until the past couple days, I would usually just wheeze a little when I had breathing problems.
Your Avatar.
Any chest tightness? (Clarified to Have you had chest tightness?.)

11/05/21 9:23 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, when my asthma gets bad my chest feels pretty tight, like I can’t take in air. It’s felt that way a lot the past two days. (Clarified to if I have had chest tightness.)
Your Avatar.
Are you having any chest tightness?

11/05/21 9:24 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
It just feels like I can’t really take in air when I breathe, sort of like breathing makes my chest tighter. . . it doesn’t hurt or anything, though.
Your Avatar.
Any cough?

11/05/21 9:24 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I’ve been coughing a lot, yeah.
Your Avatar.
How long have you had the cough?

11/05/21 9:25 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Since my asthma acted up two days ago.
Your Avatar.
How would you describe the cough?

11/05/21 9:26 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Um. . . I guess I’d describe it as a small, dry cough.
Your Avatar.
How would you describe the cough?

11/05/21 9:27 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Um. . . I guess I’d describe it as a small, dry cough.
Your Avatar.
What makes your cough better?

11/05/21 9:28 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Drinking some water helps a little, as long as the water isn’t too cold.
Your Avatar.
Have you tried to treat your cough?

11/05/21 9:28 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I haven’t taken medicine for it or anything.
Your Avatar.
Is your asthma worse at night?

11/05/21 9:29 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
It has been the past couple nights, yeah.
Your Avatar.
Does lying on your back make your asthma worse?

11/05/21 9:30 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Just recently lying on my back has definitely made my breathing worse.
Your Avatar.
To help your breathing, you may want to elevate your head with two pillows

11/05/21 9:31 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Alright, thanks for letting me know.
Your Avatar.
Any allergies?

11/05/21 9:32 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, I’m allergic to cats.
Your Avatar.
Any medication allergies?

11/05/21 9:32 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, I’m allergic to penicillin.
Your Avatar.
Any family history breathing problems?

11/05/21 9:32 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
My baby sister has asthma, too, but no one else in the family has lung problems, I don’t think.
Your Avatar.
 Inspected anterior chest wall

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:35 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected right side chest wall

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:36 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected posterior chest wall

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:36 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected left side chest wall

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:36 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected anterior chest wall

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:36 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Palpated chest expansion: Both sides rise symmetrically

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:37 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed anterior right upper lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:43 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed anterior left upper lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:43 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed anterior right middle lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:43 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed anterior left mid-chest (upper lobe)

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:43 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed anterior right lower lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:43 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed anterior left lower lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:44 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed posterior left upper lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:45 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed posterior right upper lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:46 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed posterior left mid-back (lower lobe)

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:46 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed posterior right mid-back (lower lobe)

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:46 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed posterior left lower lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:46 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed posterior right lower lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:46 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed posterior right lower lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:46 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed posterior left lower lobe on side

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:46 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed posterior left lower lobe near spine

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:46 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed posterior right lower lobe near spine

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:46 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Percussed posterior right lower lobe on side

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:47 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right upper lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:48 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left upper lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:49 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right middle lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:49 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left mid-chest (upper lobe)

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:49 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in anterior right lower lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:49 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in anterior left lower lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:49 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left upper lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:49 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right upper lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:49 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left mid-back (lower lobe)

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:49 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right mid-back (lower lobe)

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:49 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:49 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right lower lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:49 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe on side

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:49 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior left lower lobe near spine

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:50 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right lower lobe near spine

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:50 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds in posterior right lower lobe on side

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:50 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in anterior right upper lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:53 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in anterior left upper lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:53 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in anterior right middle lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:53 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in anterior left mid-chest (upper lobe)

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:53 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in anterior right lower lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:54 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in anterior left lower lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:54 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in posterior left upper lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:54 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in posterior right upper lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:54 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in posterior left mid-back (lower lobe)

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:54 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in posterior right mid-back (lower lobe)

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:54 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in posterior left lower lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:54 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in posterior right lower lobe

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:54 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in posterior left lower lobe on side

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:54 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in posterior left lower lobe near spine

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:54 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in posterior right lower lobe near spine

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:54 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Auscultated voice sounds in posterior right lower lobe on side

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:55 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Tina Jones.
Your Avatar.
 Check pulse oximetry using right hand

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:57 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Checked pulse oximetry using left hand

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:57 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Checked spirometer

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:58 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Checked patient’s inhaler

Exam Action
11/05/21 9:58 PM EDT

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Always make sure your inhaler is up to date.

11/05/21 11:38 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Sure, I think I understand what you mean.
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What medications do you take?

11/05/21 11:39 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
My inhaler is the only prescription I always have, but I usually don’t need it everyday, except for recently. . .
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When did you last use your inhaler?

11/05/21 11:40 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I had to use it early this morning.
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How many puffs of your inhaler are you prescribed?

11/05/21 11:43 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I’m supposed to just do two puffs of the albuterol inhaler. It’s 90 micrograms a spray. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
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Make sure to follow the Proventil instructions as prescribed.

11/05/21 11:45 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
Thanks for telling me.
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Are you taking any other medications?

11/05/21 11:46 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
No, all I really use is my inhaler.
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Do you take any over-the-counter medications?

11/05/21 11:52 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I take Tylenol for a headache sometimes, or Advil for cramps, but not often.
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How much Tylenol do you take? (Clarified to How much Tylenol do you take?.)

11/05/21 11:55 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I just take one or two of the 500 mg acetaminophen. I usually get the headaches at night from reading — squinting I guess — and so I take one or two and go to bed. [AUDIO COMING SOON] (Clarified to how much Tylenol I take.)
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How much advil do you take for cramps?

11/05/21 11:57 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
I take three 200 mg pills at a time. And I’d bet I take it up to three times a day. [AUDIO COMING SOON]
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Any new allergies?

11/05/21 11:57 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
No, not that I know of.
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What started your recent asthma problems?

11/05/21 11:58 PM EDT

Tina Jones.
This all started at my cousin’s house. She has cats, and I’m allergic, so my asthma always goes crazy when I’m there.
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Does being around dust trigger your asthma?

11/06/21 12:00 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
Yeah, being around a lot of dust, especially hanging out in a really dusty house, can make my asthma act up.
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Am sorry to hear that

11/06/21 12:03 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
I appreciate you saying that.
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Does climbing stairs trigger asthma?

11/06/21 12:05 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
Only when I’m in a rush and have to hurry up them.
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Any seasonal allergies?

11/06/21 12:10 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
A little while ago, I had some seasonal allergies, but it didn’t really bother my asthma, and it’s better now.
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Does anything at work make your asthma worse?

11/06/21 12:11 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
Well. . . sometimes when there’s dust at work it can make my asthma act up, but that doesn’t happen very often.
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Do you see an asthma specialist?

11/06/21 12:16 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
I used to go to Dr. Dewitt, but she moved her practice recently. Luckily she’s still been able to call in refills of my inhaler, but I haven’t actually been in to see her in about two years.
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It is important to follow up regularly with your asthma specialist.

11/06/21 12:18 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
OK, I understand.
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How long have you had asthma?

11/06/21 12:18 AM EDT

Tina Jones.
I’ve had asthma a long time. . . since I was really little.
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How old were you when you were diagnosed with asthma?

11/06/21 12:19 AM EDT

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Tina Jones.
My doctor told me when I was pretty little… I think I was about two and a half? I used to have a lot of trouble with asthma attacks back then.
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Have you ever been hospitalized for asthma?

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