Tina Jones Mental Health Shadow Health Review Questions

Tina Jones Mental Health Shadow Health Review Questions

Review Questions Activity Time: 22 min

If you had asked Tina to explain the meaning of the saying “Don’t cry over spilled milk,” what would you be checking?
Correct: You can assess abstract thinking by asking the patient to explain a common saying or to find similarities between two things.

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Judging things poorly
Abstract thinking (Correct Response)
Understanding things

Let’s say Tina couldn’t recognize the pen you had. What’s the term for this problem?
Correct: Agnosia is when someone can’t identify things or people. It might be for only one sense (like sight or hearing), and it’s often because of a brain injury or neurological issue.

Noticing differences
Agnosia (Correct Response)

What’s part of checking someone’s understanding?
Correct: When assessing cognition, you might look at their orientation, attention, memory, learning new things, words they know, and how well they do math.

Remembering (Correct Response)
Emotional reactions

Explain the difference between fitting and proper emotions, and give an example of each.
Student Response: It’s important to know that fitting emotions match a situation. For example, a student celebrating after passing a big test is a fitting emotion. Inappropriate emotions don’t match the situation. For instance, someone laughing at a funeral is inappropriate.

Model Note: Emotions that match a situation are fitting. For example, a student celebrating after passing an important test is a fitting emotion. Emotions that don’t match the situation are inappropriate. For example, laughing at a funeral is an inappropriate emotion.

List the main parts (areas) of a full mental health check.
Student Response: A full mental health check should look at things like where the patient is, how well they pay attention, if they can think abstractly, understand things, make good choices, talk, and remember. It’s important to know that mental health checks are done informally during the physical exam. If there’s a concern, a formal exam might be needed.

Model Note: In a complete mental health check, you should examine the patient’s awareness, attention, abstract thinking, understanding, judgment, memory, language, and speaking. Informal mental health checks happen during the physical exam. If there’s a concern, a formal mental health exam might be needed.

Imagine Tina’s family member said she seemed confused sometimes over the past two days. Identify at least two main signs of delirium. Explain why it’s important to look for delirium.
Student Response: Changes in xxx are common signs of delirium. You should do a thorough mental health exam and ask about history when you see sudden changes in cognitive function because that’s typical of delirium. Delirium is often caused by medications, illness, alcohol or drug abuse, or dementia.

Model Note: Delirium can show as altered awareness and shifts in thinking. When you notice quick, changing cognitive symptoms, it’s typical of delirium. You should conduct a thorough mental health exam and gather history. Delirium can result from medication issues, illness, alcohol or drug misuse, and dementia.

Tina Jones Mental Health Shadow Health Review Questions

Review QuestionsActivity Time: 22 min

If you had asked Tina to tell you the meaning of the proverb “Don’t cry over spilled milk,” what would you have been assessing?

 Correct: Abstract reasoning can be assessed by asking the patient to interpret a common proverb or to identify similarities between two objects.
  • Impaired judgment
  • Memory
  • Abstract reasoning (Correct Response)
  • Cognition

Suppose that Tina had been unable to identify the pen you were holding. What is the name of this symptom?

 Correct: Agnosia is characterized by the inability to identify objects or people. This condition may be limited to only one sense (such as vision or hearing), and is usually caused by a neurological condition or brain injury.
  • Apraxia
  • Discrimination loss
  • Memory loss
  • Agnosia (Correct Response)

Which of the following is a component of assessing cognition?

 Correct: Cognitive assessments may include an analysis of a patient’s orientation, attention, memory, new learning ability, vocabulary, information knowledge, and calculating ability.
  • Memory (Correct Response)
  • Emotional response
  • Speech
  • Affect

Distinguish between inappropriate affect and appropriate affect, and provide an example of each.

Student Response: It is important to understand that affect is the temporary expression of feelings or state of mind and therefore, appropriate affect is the emotional expression that I congruent with a situation. For instance, a student hearing upon learning that he passed his end-of-year test would display appropriate affect. Displaying feelings and emotions that are incongruent with the circumstances is called inappropriate affect. An example of inappropriate affect is a family member laughing at a funeral. Model Note: Affect is the temporary behavioral expression of feelings or state of mind. Appropriate affect is emotional expression that is congruent with a situation. For example, a high school student who cheers upon learning that she was accepted to a prestigious college would be a display of appropriate affect. Inappropriate affect is the display of feelings that are incongruent with the circumstances. For example, a family member laughing at a funeral would be a display of inappropriate affect.

Identify the components (domains) of a comprehensive mental status exam.

Student Response: the assessment of patients’ orientation, attention, abstract thinking, comprehension, judgment, vocabulary, speech, and memory are some of the main components of a comprehensive mental status exam. It is important to understand that the mental status assessment is conducted/performed informally and continuously throughout the physical examination and when a problem is suspected, a physician may decide to perform a complete formal mental status exam.  

Model Note: Comprehensive mental status exams should assess a patient’s orientation, attention, abstract thinking, comprehension, judgment, memory, vocabulary, and speech. Mental status assessment is usually performed informally and continuously throughout the physical exam. When a problem is suspected, the clinician may choose to perform a complete formal mental status exam.

Imagine that Tina’s family member reported to you that she had been acting confused on and off for the last two days. Identify at least two key features of delirium. Describe why you would assess for delirium.

Student Response: The changes in xxxare some of the most common features of delirium. It is important to call for a comprehensive mental status exam and history after acute onset and fluctuating cognitive changes because these are the typical signs of delirium. Delirium is majorly caused by medication toxicity, illness, abuse or withdrawal from alcohol or illicit substances as well as dementia.

Model Note: Features of delirium include altered consciousness, and changes in cognition and attention. Fluctuating and acute onset of cognitive changes are typical for delirium and call for a comprehensive mental status exam and history. Possible causes of delirium include illness, medication toxicity, abuse of or withdrawal from alcohol or illicit substances, and dementia.

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