NUR7570900 – Primary Healthcare of the Family I

NUR7570900 – Primary Healthcare of the Family I

Unit 1: Foundations of the FNP Role

  • Unit Introduction
  •  Unit 1 will focus on the foundations of FNP practice. Content includes the historical evolution of the advanced practice nursing (APN) role, models of practice, implementing evidence-based practice, and applying family and cultural theory.
    • Describe the historical development of advanced practice
    • Examine the models of advanced practice
    • Explore family and cultural theory
    • Differentiate leadership styles
    • Unit 1 content includes but is not limited to:
    Historical background of the APRN profession 

    Historical development of NP curriculum

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    Growth of NP profession

    Social Security Act of 1965



    Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1989

    Leadership Styles: Situational, Transformational, Laissez-Faire, Authoritarian, Democratic, & Servant

    Cultural and Sprititual Awareness

    NUR7570900 – Primary Healthcare of the Family I

    Cultural and Spiritual Health Beliefs

    Lenininger’s Theory of Cultural Care Diversity and Universality

    Cultural Sensitivity

    Care of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender patient

    Health Literacy

    Theory and principles of family-focused care


  • Learning Objectives
  • Photo Credit: [Human resource management and recruitment business concept]/[marchmeena29]/[Thinkstock]
  • Learning Materials
  • Required Readings

    Unit 2: Professional Issues Influencing the FNP Role

    • Unit Introduction

      Photo Credit: [Legislation Concept]/[Duncan_Andison/897710992]/[istock/GettyImagesPlus]
      In Unit 2, students will explore professional issues which are influencing the Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) role and practice. Many challenges FNP graduates will likely face will be discussed, including, the primary care gap, legislative and regulatory changes at state and national levels, scope of practice restrictions, reimbursement and liability. Societal issues impacting practice such as the anti-vaccine movement, antibiotic overuse, the opioid crisis, mental health, addiction, abuse, violence, unemployment, economic hardship, and the uninsured will also be explored.
      Unit 2 content includes but is not limited to:
      Health care disparity
      Interprofessional collaboration
      Interprofessional education
      Effective communication
      Ethical concepts of care
      Patient rights: HIPAA, informed consent, treatment of minors, advanced healthcare directives
      Theory and principles of family-focused care
      Societal issues impacting health care: Opioid crisis, prescription drug abuse, antibiotic stewardship, anti-vaccine movment, Covid virus, mental health
      Scope of practice
      Reimbursement: Health insurance, Medicaid, Medicare
      Liability/malpractice insurance
    • Learning Materials

      Required Readings

      • Dunphy, L. M., Winland-Brown, J. E., Porter, B. O., & Thomas, D. J. (2019). Primary care: Art and science of advanced practice nursing (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.
        • Chapter 1: “Primary Care in the Twenty-First Century: A Circle of Caring”
        • Chapter 2: “Caring and the Advanced Practice Nurse”
        • Chapter 64: “Psychosocial Problems”
        • Chapter 78: “Pain Management”
        • Chapter 79: “Ethical and Legal Issues of a Caring-Based Practice”
        • Chapter 80: “The Business of Advanced Practice Nursing”
        • Chapter 82: “Putting Caring into Practice: Caring for Self”

      Faculty Lecture

      American Nursing Credentialing Center ANCC Family Nurse Practitioner Certification
      American Academy of Nurse Practitioners AANP FNP Certification Exam
      Care of the Transgender Patient EduBright Log-in Information provided in Course Announcment

    Unit 3: Health Promotion, Maintenance, and Disease Prevention in the Pediatric Population

    • Unit Introduction

       Female Physician Uses Tablet Computer and Controls EKG
      Photo Credit: [Female Physician Uses Tablet Computer and Controls EKG]/[gorodenkoff]/[Thinkstock]
      Health promotion is a cornerstone of nurse practitioner practice. Unit 3 focuses on health promotion and wellness in the pediatric population. Content will include child and family health assessment as well as developmental management in pediatric primary care, including infants, early childhood, school-age children, and adolescents. Content will focus on anticipatory guidance, common developmental issues, developmental red flags, and wellness. Modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors in health promotion will be addressed through the concepts of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.
      Learning Objectives
      • Distinguish primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention
      • Identify and interpret normal and abnormal findings commonly identified during the well-child exam
      • Examine adolescence (sports physical, anticipatory guidance)
      • Discuss issues facing the population (obesity, smoking, gaming)
      • Apply clinical guidelines and the principles of evidence-based practice to clinical case scenarios.
      Unit content includes but is not limited to:
      Developmental management and milestones of infants, children, and adolescents
      Primary, secondary, tertiary prevention
      Tanner staging
      Screening guidelines
      Screening tools and diagnostics
      Sports physical
      Family Theory
      Mental health
      Genetic Screening in Pregnancy
      Annual childhood wellness exams
      Newborn screenings and assessment
      Anticipatory guidance
      Overweight & obesity
      Eating disorders
      Infant, children, and adolescent injuries
      Newborn screening
    • Learning Materials

      Required Readings


    Unit 4: Health Promotion, Maintenance, and Disease Prevention in Women

    • Unit Introduction

       Visiting nurse taking care of a patient
      Credit: [Visiting nurse taking care of a patient]/[monkeybusinessimages]/[Thinkstock]
      Unit 3 focuses on the elements of a well woman exam, an important part of health promotion and disease prevention. A well woman exam is typically once a year and includes at least a breast examination, a pelvic examination, and a pap smear. Accordingly, Unit 3 will address normal and abnormal findings of adult female health across the lifespan and anticipatory guidance.
      Learning Objectives
      Upon the completion of this unit of study, students will be able to:
      • Examine assessment and management of well woman exam normal and abnormal findings
      • Describe the menstrual cycle (normal and abnormal findings)
      • Explore the topics of contraception, ovarian disorders, cancer, menstrual cycle, and breast disorders commonly identified during the well woman exam
      • Apply clinical guidelines and the principles of evidence-based practice to clinical case scenarios
      • Examine health promotion, wellness, and screening in the adult female patient
      • Apply best evidence to care of the well pregnant patient and family planning.
      Pelvic exam & Pap smear
      Clinical breast exam
      Genitourinary exam
      Sexually Transmitted Infections
      Abnormal Uterine Bleeding
      Breast Disorders
      Vulvodynia and Dyspareunia
      Atrophic Vaginitis
      Lichen Sclerosus
      Vaginal Candidiasis
      Bacterial Vaginosis
      Menstrual Cycle/Menses
      Disorders of the menstrual cycle
      Cervical cytology interpretation
      Screening guidelines
      Diagnostic studies (ordering and interpreting)
    • Learning Materials

      Required Learning Materials
        • Hollier, A. (2018). Clinical guidelines in primary care (3rd ed.). Advanced Practice Education Associates.
          • Chapter 1: “Cardiovascular Disorders”
          • Chapter 2: “Dermatologic Disorders”
          • Chapter 4: “Endocrine Disorders”
          • Chapter 6: “Genetic Disorders”
          • Chapter 8: “Hematologic Disorders”
          • Chapter 15: “Pulmonary Disorders”
          • Chapter 16: “Sexually Transmitted Diseases”
          • Chapter 17: “Psychiatric Disorders, Violence, Abuse, and Neglect Issues”
          • Chapter 19: “Women’s Health Disorders”
        • Dunphy, L. M., Winland-Brown, J. E., Porter, B. O., & Thomas, D. J. (2019). Primary care: Art and science of advanced practice nursing (5th ed.). Philadelphia, PA: F. A. Davis.
          • Section 2: “Skin Problems”
          • Section 5: “Respiratory Problems”
          • Section 6: “Cardiovascular Problems”
          • Chapter 46, 47, 48, 51: “Women’s Health Problems” exclude pg: 682, 684, 685, 686
        • Jordan, R. G, Farley, C. L, and Grace, K. T. (Eds.) (2018). Prenatal and postnatal care: A woman-centered approach. Wiley-Blackwell. 978-1119318347 2nd Reuben, D.B., Herr, K. A., Pacala, J.T., Potter, J.F., & Semia, T.P.
          • Chapter 1: “Reproductive Tract Structure and Function
          • Chapter 25: “Components of Postnatal Care” pg 412 “Contraception”
          • NUR7570900 – Primary Healthcare of the Family I

      Faculty Lecture

    • Digital Lesson: Contraception

      Attached Files:

       Mark Reviewed



Unit 5: Health Promotion, Maintenance, and Disease Prevention in Pregnancy


  • Unit Introduction

    Photo Credit: []/[ DjelicS/1251402398]/[E+/GettyImagesPlus]
    In Unit 5, students will examine care of the pregnant woman within the Family Nurse Practitioner scope of practice. Aspects of care to be discussed include low-risk pregnancy management, identification of red flags during pregnancy, prenatal and postnatal care, appropriate referral, medication management, and diagnostic testing and interpretation.
    Unit 5 conditions include, but are not limited to:
    • Abortion
    • Back/pelvic pain
    • Breast tenderness
    • Breastfeeding & breastfeeding complications
    • Cervical pain
    • Clinical methods for dating pregnancy
    • Constipation
    • Diagnostic screening & testing (ordering and interpretation)
    • NUR7570900 – Primary Healthcare of the Family I
    • Dizziness/Syncope
    • Edema
    • Estimated due date
    • Fatigue
    • Genetic screening/counseling
    • Gestational diabetes/hypertension/STI/UTI treatment during pregnancy
    • Headache
    • Health promotion/anticipatory guidance
    • Heartburn
    • HELLP Syndrome
    • Hemorrhoids
    • Leg cramps
    • Leukorrhea
    • Mastitis
    • Medications and vaccines during pregnancy
    • Nausea and vomiting of pregnancy
    • Physiological changes during pregnancy
    • Placenta previa
    • Placental abruption
    • Postpartum contraception
    • Preeclampsia
    • Prenatal and postnatal care
    • Restless leg syndrome
    • Rh-Incompatibility disease
    • Round ligament pain
    • Shortness of breath
    • Signs of pregnancy (positive, probable, presumptive)
    • Skin changes
    • Supine hypotension syndrome
    • Urinary Frequency/Incontinence
    • Visual changes
  • Learning Materials

    Required Readings

    • Hollier, A. (2018). Clinical guidelines in primary care. Advanced Practice Education Associates. 978-1892418258 3rd ed.
      • Chapter 9: “Lactation and Breastfeeding”
      • Chapter 14: “Pregnancy”
    • Jordan, R. G, Farley, C. L, and Grace, K. T. (Eds.) (2018). Prenatal and postnatal care: A woman-centered approach. Wiley-Blackwell. 978-1119318347 2nd ed.
      • Chapter 3: “Maternal Physioloogifcal Alterations during Pregnancy”
      • Chapter 5: “Preconception Care”
      • Chapter 6: “Prenatal Care: Goals, Structure, and Components
      •  “Nutrition during Pregnancy”.   “Fish during Pregnancy:” 
      • Chapter 8: “Pregnancy Diagnosis and Gestational Age Assessment”
      • Chapter 11: “Genetic Counseling, Screening, and Diagnosis”
      • Chapter 13: “Common Discomforts of Pregnancy”
      • Chapter 15: “Medications during Pregnancy”
      • Chapter 17: “Health Disparities and Social Issues in Pregnancy”
      • Chapter 20: “Psychosocial Adaptations in Pregnancy”
      • Chapter 23: “Triage During Pregnancy”
      • Chapter 25: “Components of Postnatal Care”
      • Chapter 26: “Lactation and Breastfeeding”
      • Chapter 28: “Bleeding During Pregnancy”
      • Chapter 30: “Preterm Labor and Birth”
      • Chapter 31: “Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy”
      • Chapter 32: “Gestational Diabetes”
      • Chapter 35: “Hyperemesis Gravidarum”
      • Chapter 38: “Common Complications during the Postnatal Period”
      • Chapter 39: “Common Breastfeeding Problems”
      • Chapter 41: “Obesity”
      • Chapter 40: “Perinatal Loss”
      • Chapter 43: “Hematologic and Throbmoembolic Disorders”
      • Chapter 49: “Dermatological Disorders” page 717-718 ICP
      • Chapter 50: Infections Diseases” page 724-725 GBS
      • Chapter 51: “Sexually Transmitted Infections and Vaginitis”
      • NUR7570900 – Primary Healthcare of the Family I

    Required Media

    • Faculty Lectures

  • Unit 5: Learning Module


Unit 6: Health Promotion, Maintenance, and Disease Prevention in Men


  • Unit Introduction
    • Unit 6 focuses on the men’s health screening and subsequent normal and abnormal findings. Unit content includes health promotion, wellness, and screening in adult male patients. Applying evidence-based guidelines to abnormal findings of men’s wellness exam. Exploring assessment and management of common conditions of the prostate and urogenital system commonly identified during the well-men’s exam. Demonstrating competency with screening, identification, and clinical management evidence-based guidelines of common primary care conditions including but limited to:
        • Well men’s yearly exam components
        • Screening for psychosocial mental health conditions: anxiety, depression, suicide, alcoholism, addiction, sleep disorder, bipolar, schizophrenia, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, PTSD, Munchohausen Syndrome
        • Screening for substance abuse (behaviors associated with substance-seeking and abuse)
        • Treatment of substance-induced disorders including opioid, cannabis, stimulants, nicotine/tobacco, hallucinogen, inhalant, sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, caffeine, and alcohol (intoxication, withdrawal, mental disorders)
        • Motivational interviewing
        • Screening for men’s health conditions: testicular cancer, colon cancer, prostate cancer, cardiovascular disease, endocrine disorders, erectile dysfunction, breast cancer, lung cancer, skin cancer
        • The U.S. Health Statistics: Leading cause of death, morbidity and mortality, life expectancy, cancer statistics
        • Vaccines and immunizations
        • Sensitivity versus specificity
        • Primary, secondary, tertiary prevention
        • Assessment techniques including cremasteric reflex, transillumination of the scrotum, prostate exam, testicular exam, inguinal hernia
        • Complimentary and prescriptive therapy
        • Diagnosis and treatment of priapism, torsion of the appendix testes, testicular torsion, benign prostatic hyperplasia, prostatitis, epididymitis, erectile dysfunction, varicocele, balanitis, phimosis, Peyronie’s disease, cryptorchidism
  • Photo Credit: [Male Patient And Doctor Have Consultation In Hospital Room]/[monkeybusinessimages]/[Thinkstock]
  • Learning Materials
  • Required Readings

Unit 7: Change title to Health Promotion, Maintenance, and Disease Prevention in the Adult and Older Adult Population


  • Unit Introduction

     Sick aged man sitting at the table
    Photo Credit: [Sick aged man sitting at the table]/[yacobchuk]/[Thinkstock]
    Unit 7 unit focuses on wellness screenings and health promotion for adults and older adults and subsequent normal and abnormal findings. Emphasis is placed upon diagnosis and treatment of illness, wellness promotion, critical analysis and application of evidence, and critical decision-making in the care of the aging patient. The safety and functional status of the adult and older adult will be highlighted using screening tools to assess for medical illnesses, mental status, physical status, and environment.  Management of abnormal findings will be addressed as well.
    Unit Learning Objectives
    • Identify age-appropriate primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, screening, and health promotion.
    • Apply the physiologic changes of aging and the impact on medication management.
    • Correlate assessment findings and evidence-based guidelines to manage common conditions identified during the wellness screening visit.
    • Interpret the adult immunization schedule.
    • Demonstrate competency with screening, identification, and clinical management evidence-based guidelines of common primary care conditions including but limited to:
    Adult wellness exam components
    Screening for psychosocial mental health conditions, substance abuse, emotional and physical abuse
    Treatment of substance-induced disorders including opioid, cannabis, stimulants, nicotine/tobacco, hallucinogen, inhalant, sedative, hypnotic, anxiolytic, caffeine, and alcohol (intoxication, withdrawal, mental disorders)
    Pathophysiologic changes related to aging
    Fall prevention and falls
    The U.S. Health Statistics: Leading cause of death, morbidity and mortality, life expectancy, cancer statistics
    Vaccines and immunizations
    Primary, secondary, tertiary prevention
    Cognitive and neurologic assessment techniques
    Screening and management for health conditions including dementia, delirium, confusion, cognitive impairment,
    Alzheimer’s, menopause, sexual dysfunction, glaucoma, cataract, visual impairment, hearing impairment, osteopenia
    and osteoporosis, hormone therapy, arthritis, incontinence, malnutrition, cardiovascular disease, endocrine conditions, anemias, and nutritional health NUR7570900 – Primary Healthcare of the Family I
    The U.S. Health Statistics: Leading cause of death, morbidity and mortality, life expectancy, cancer statistics
    Vaccines and immunizations
    Primary, secondary, tertiary prevention
    Cognitive and neurologic assessment techniques
    Complimentary and prescriptive therapy
    Application of BEER’s Criteria
    Special considerations of managing older adult healthcare: multiple co-morbidities, continuity of care, lifestyle modifications, loss, isolation
    End-of-life issues, palliative care, hospice
  • Learning Materials

    Required Readings
    • Hollier, A. (2021). Clinical guidelines in primary care. Advanced Practice Education Associates (4th ed.).
    Chapter 3: Dermatologic Disorders
    Chapter 5: Endocrine Disorders
    Chapter 9: Men’s Health Disorders
    Chapter 10: Neurologic Disorders
    Chapter 12: Orthopedic Disorders
    Chapter 13: Psychiatric Disorders and Mental Health Disorders
    Chapter 18: Women’s Health Disorders
    Chapter 19: Physical Examinations
    • Dunphy, L.M., Winland-Brown, J.E., Porter, B.O., & Thomas, D.J. (2019). Primary Care: Art and science of advanced practice nursing (5th edition). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis.
    Chapter 43: Common Urinary Complaints
    Chapter 44: Urinary Tract Disorders
    Chapter 45: Kidney and Bladder Disorders
    Chapter 46: Common Reproductive System Complaints: Nocturia in Men, Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome in Men, Testicular Pain, Testosterone Deficiency, Erectile Dysfunction
    Chapter 49: Prostate Disorders
    Chapter 50: Penile and Testicular Disorders
    Chapter 51: Sexually Transmitted Infections
    Chapter: 64: Common Psychosocial Complaints
    Chapter 65: Substance Use Disorders
    Chapter 68: Anxiety, Stress, and Trauma-Related Disorders
     Older Adults/Geriatrics:
    Chapter 3: Health Promotion
    Chapter 6: Neurologic Problems sections on Common Complaints Confusion, Alzheimer’s Disease
    Section 2: Skin Problems
    Section 5: Respiratory Problems
    Section 6: Cardiovascular Problems
    Chapter 78: Palliative Care
    Chapter 81: The 15-Minute Hour: Practical Psychotherapy for Primary Care, Appendix A Physiological Influences of the Aging

    The course “NUR7570900 – Primary Healthcare of the Family I” covers various aspects of advanced practice nursing, particularly focusing on primary healthcare for families. Here’s a paraphrased breakdown of the course content:

    Unit 1: Foundations of the FNP Role
    In this unit, you will learn about the historical development of advanced practice nursing, different models of practice, applying evidence-based methods, and incorporating family and cultural theories. Specific topics include the evolution of the APRN profession, growth of NP profession, Social Security Act, leadership styles, and cultural awareness.

    Learning Objectives:
    1. Describe the historical evolution of advanced practice nursing.
    2. Examine different models of advanced practice.
    3. Explore family and cultural theories.
    4. Differentiate between various leadership styles.

    Required Readings:
    The course textbook “Primary care: Art and science of advanced practice nursing” (Chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 79, 80, 82)
    American Association of Nurse Practitioners historical timeline
    USAHS library Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (JAANP)
    Loretta Ford’s reflections on the NP role
    USAHS library Health Facilities Journal

    Unit 2: Professional Issues Influencing the FNP Role
    This unit focuses on professional challenges affecting the Family Nurse Practitioner role. Topics covered include healthcare disparities, interprofessional collaboration, ethical concepts, patient rights, societal issues, scope of practice, reimbursement, and liability.

    Learning Objectives:
    1. Understand health care disparities and their impact.
    2. Explore interprofessional collaboration and effective communication.
    3. Examine ethical concepts of care and patient rights.
    4. Investigate societal issues affecting healthcare.
    5. Understand scope of practice, reimbursement, and liability.

    Required Readings:
    The course textbook (Chapters 1, 2, 64, 78, 79, 80, 82)
    American Association of Nurse Practitioners resources
    American Nursing Credentialing Center ANCC resources
    American Academy of Nurse Practitioners AANP resources

    Unit 3: Health Promotion, Maintenance, and Disease Prevention in the Pediatric Population
    This unit delves into health promotion for pediatric patients. Topics include child and family health assessment, developmental milestones, primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention, and common pediatric issues like immunizations, screenings, and psychosocial challenges.

    Learning Objectives:
    1. Understand the principles of primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention.
    2. Identify and interpret findings in well-child exams.
    3. Examine adolescent health and related issues.
    4. Explore developmental milestones and common challenges.
    5. Apply clinical guidelines and evidence-based practices to case scenarios.

    Required Readings:
    Clinical guidelines in primary care (Chapters 2, 7, 8, 19)
    The course textbook (Chapter 3)
    Bright Futures guidelines
    CDC Pediatric and Adolescent Immunization Schedule

    Unit 4: Health Promotion, Maintenance, and Disease Prevention in Women
    This unit covers women’s health, focusing on well woman exams, reproductive health, and related disorders. Topics include pelvic exams, breast exams, contraception, cancer screening, and common women’s health concerns.

    Learning Objectives:
    1. Examine assessment and management of well woman exams.
    2. Understand the menstrual cycle and contraception.
    3. Explore reproductive health issues and cancer screening.
    4. Apply clinical guidelines to women’s health cases.

    Required Readings:
    Clinical guidelines in primary care (Chapters 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 15, 16, 17, 19)
    The course textbook (Sections 2, 5, 6, Chapters 46, 47, 48, 51)

    Unit 5: Health Promotion, Maintenance, and Disease Prevention in Pregnancy
    In this unit, you’ll learn about caring for pregnant women. Topics include pregnancy management, red flags, prenatal and postnatal care, medication management, and diagnostic testing.

    Unit 6: Health Promotion, Maintenance, and Disease Prevention in Men
    This unit focuses on men’s health, covering wellness screenings and addressing common conditions in adult males. Topics include mental health, substance abuse, reproductive issues, and specific disorders.

    Unit 7: Health Promotion, Maintenance, and Disease Prevention in the Adult and Older Adult Population
    The final unit explores wellness screenings for adults and older adults. You’ll learn about age-related changes, cognitive assessment, and managing common conditions in the aging population.

    These paraphrased summaries capture the main themes and objectives of each unit in the course “NUR7570900 – Primary Healthcare of the Family I.”

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