Lucas Callahan Bipolar Disorder Shadow Health Care Plan

Lucas Callahan Bipolar Disorder Shadow Health Care Plan

Care Plan : 8.5 of 8.5 (100.0%)

Nursing Diagnosis
3 out of 3

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Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earned
Risk of getting hurt Risk of getting hurt The best diagnosis is “Risk of getting hurt.” Right now, he doesn’t show any signs of confusion or risk of heart problems. 0.5 out of 0.5
Signs & Symptoms

Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earned
Sleeping 3 hours or less in the past few days Sleeping 3 hours or less in the past few days For Mr. Callahan, “Risk of getting hurt” is the right diagnosis. The signs and symptoms that match his manic state, like impulsiveness, paranoid thoughts, and harmful behavior, are important. His high energy and lack of sleep make other symptoms worse and raise the risk of getting hurt. He hasn’t talked about wanting to harm himself now, so his past suicide attempt doesn’t fit this diagnosis. He’s not confused or having hallucinations either. Also, his history of cocaine use isn’t connected to this “Risk of getting hurt” because he’s not on any substances now. 0.5 out of 0.5
Excessive energy and restlessness Excessive energy and restlessness For Mr. Callahan, “Risk of getting hurt” is the right diagnosis. The signs and symptoms that match his manic state, like impulsiveness, paranoid thoughts, and harmful behavior, are important. His high energy and lack of sleep make other symptoms worse and raise the risk of getting hurt. He hasn’t talked about wanting to harm himself now, so his past suicide attempt doesn’t fit this diagnosis. He’s not confused or having hallucinations either. Also, his history of cocaine use isn’t connected to this “Risk of getting hurt” because he’s not on any substances now.
Check if Mr. Callahan is ready for the care plan. . Mr. Callahan, are you ready to start the care plan? Before doing anything, it’s important to see if Mr. Callahan is willing to listen, learn, and follow the care plan.
Considering what you’ve said, I think you might be at risk of getting hurt.
Intervention & Evaluation
2.5 out of 2.5

Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earned
Completely Completely The goal of keeping Mr. Callahan safe while he waited for a psychiatric evaluation was fully achieved. The steps taken helped lower the chance of him getting hurt and made sure everyone, including staff and other patients, stayed safe. Giving him writing materials also helped keep him busy. After the physical examination, it was clear that Mr. Callahan didn’t have any injuries. Your goal was completely reached. 2.5 out of 2.5
Intervention & Evaluation Rationale

Your answer is not automatically evaluated by the simulation, but may be reviewed by your instructor.
Prompt Student Response Model Answer Explanation
Did you manage to keep your patient safe until he could be evaluated by a psychiatric provider? The goal of making sure the patient stayed safe until he was seen by a psychiatrist was fully met. The actions taken helped lower the risk of getting hurt. The patient didn’t show any injuries during the physical exam. That’s why the goal was met. The goal of keeping Mr. Callahan safe while he waited for a psychiatric evaluation was fully achieved. The steps taken helped lower the risk of him getting hurt and made sure everyone, including staff and other patients, stayed safe. Giving him writing materials also helped keep him busy. After the physical examination, it was clear that Mr. Callahan didn’t have any injuries. Your goal was completely reached. To confirm if your goal was achieved, it’s essential to perform a focused physical examination to ensure Mr. Callahan hasn’t sustained any injuries. Trust the objective data collected from the physical exam to determine if your goal has indeed been met. Given Mr. Callahan’s manic state, directly asking him if he remained injury-free might not yield accurate results.

Lucas Callahan Bipolar Disorder Shadow Health Care Plan

Care Plan : 8.5 of 8.5 (100.0%)

 Nursing Diagnosis
3 out of 3

International classification for nursing practice (ICNP) nursing diagnoses (v2019_06_27) [Data set]. (2019). International Council of Nurses (ICN).



Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earned
Risk for injury Risk for injury “Risk for injury” is the most appropriate diagnosis. The patient currently does not exhibit any signs and symptoms that suggest he has impaired cognition or is at risk for impaired cardiac function. 0.5 out of 0.5

Signs & Symptoms


Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earned
Sleeping 3 hours or fewer in the past few days Sleeping 3 hours or fewer in the past few days Because “risk for injury” is the most appropriate diagnosis for Mr. Callahan, the relevant signs and symptoms are those that align with his current manic state and put him at risk for injury, such as his impulse control, paranoid thoughts, and self-destructive behavior. Additionally, his excessive energy and lack of sleep can further exacerbate his other signs and symptoms and increase his risk for injury. Mr. Callahan has not expressed any current suicidal ideation or thoughts of self-harm; therefore, his prior suicide attempt does not support his current diagnosis of “risk for injury.” He is also not currently disoriented or experiencing hallucinations, so these answers would be inappropriate. Additionally, a history of cocaine use would not contribute to his current “risk for injury” as he is not under the influence of any substances at this time. 0.5 out of 0.5
Excessive energy and restlessness Excessive energy and restlessness Because “risk for injury” is the most appropriate diagnosis for Mr. Callahan, the relevant signs and symptoms are those that align with his current manic state and put him at risk for injury, such as his impulse control, paranoid thoughts, and self-destructive behavior. Additionally, his excessive energy and lack of sleep can further exacerbate his other signs and symptoms and increase his risk for injury. Mr. Callahan has not expressed any current suicidal ideation or thoughts of self-harm; therefore, his prior suicide attempt does not support his current diagnosis of “risk for injury.” He is also not currently disoriented or experiencing hallucinations, so these answers would be inappropriate. Additionally, a history of cocaine use would not contribute to his current “risk for injury” as he is not under the influence of any substances at this time.
Evaluate Mr. Callahan’s readiness for care. . Mr. Callahan, are you ready to move forward with the care plan? Before proceeding with interventions, it is important to assess a patient’s readiness to listen, learn, and participate in the care plan.
Based on your presentation today, I believe you are at risk of injury.
 Intervention & Evaluation
2.5 out of 2.5


Student Response Model Answer Explanation Points Earned
Fully Fully The goal of having Mr. Callahan remain injury free while he was waiting to be evaluated by a psychiatric provider has been fully met. The selected interventions helped reduce the patient’s risk of injury and keep everyone, including staff and other patients, safe. Additionally, providing Mr. Callahan with writing materials kept him occupied. The data collected through the physical examination determined that Mr. Callahan did not present with any injuries. Your goal has been fully met. 2.5 out of 2.5
 Intervention & Evaluation Rationale

Your answer is not automatically evaluated by the simulation, but may be reviewed by your instructor.

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Prompt Student Response Model Answer Explanation
Did you achieve your goal of having your patient remain injury free until he could be evaluated by a psychiatric provider? The goals of having the patient remain injury free until he was evakuated by a psychiatrist was fuly achieved. The selected intereventions helped reduce risk of injury. The patient did not present with any injuries during physical exam. Therefore, the goal was met. The goal of having Mr. Callahan remain injury free while he was waiting to be evaluated by a psychiatric provider has been fully met. The selected interventions helped reduce risk of injury and keep both the patient and staff safe. Additionally, providing Mr. Callahan with writing materials kept him occupied. Based on the data collected, Mr. Callahan did not present with any injuries when he was physically examined, so the goal was met. Given the details of this case, it is important to conduct a focused physical exam to confirm that Mr. Callahan has remained injury free. You can trust the objective data gathered through a physical exam and determine if your goal has truly been met or not. Given Mr. Callahan’s manic state, it would be inappropriate to merely ask him if he had remained injury free, because he may not answer honestly or accurately.

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