Focused Exam: Chest Pain, Brian Foster Shadow health Subjective Data Collection

Focused Exam: Chest Pain, Brian Foster Shadow health Subjective Data Collection

Chief Complaint:
– Patient’s main concern is chest pain.

History of Present Illness:
– Chest pain started about a month ago.
– Pain is centered in the chest and doesn’t spread to other areas.
– Patient denies arm, shoulder, back, and neck pain.
– Each pain episode lasts several minutes.
– Patient had three pain episodes in the past month.
– Pain doesn’t seem related to any specific activity.
– Current pain is rated 0 out of 10.
– Worst pain experienced was rated 5 out of 10.
– Describes pain as tight and uncomfortable.
– Patient denies crushing, gnawing, or burning pain.
– Pain worsens with activity, like yard work or taking stairs.
– Pain doesn’t worsen with eating, spicy foods, or high-fat foods.
– Pain is relieved by brief rest.
– Patient hasn’t taken medication for chest pain.

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Past Medical History:
– Patient has allergies.
– No history of angina.
– Patient has high blood pressure.
– Patient has high cholesterol.
– No history of coronary artery disease or diabetes.
– No previous treatment for chest pain.
– Patient doesn’t frequently monitor blood pressure at home.
– Recent EKG test and annual stress test were done.
– Patient believes EKG and stress test results were normal.

Home Medications:
– Patient takes high blood pressure medication.
– Patient takes high cholesterol medication.
– Occasional use of ibuprofen.
– Patient takes fish oil.
– Patient doesn’t take aspirin.
– Patient takes lisinopril for high blood pressure.
– Lisinopril dose is 20 mg, taken once daily.
– Patient takes atorvastatin for high cholesterol.
– Atorvastatin dose is 20 mg, taken once daily at bedtime.
– Patient has been taking atorvastatin for a year.

Focused Exam: Chest Pain, Brian Foster Shadow health Subjective Data Collection: 30 of 30 (100.0%)


Subjective Data Collection: 30 of 30 (100.0%)

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Experts selected these topics as essential components of a strong, thorough interview with this patient.

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A combination of open and closed questions will yield better patient data. The following details are facts of the patient’s case. Focused Exam: Chest Pain, Brian Foster Shadow health Subjective Data Collection: 30 of 30 (100.0%)

Chief Complaint

  • Finding:

    Established chief complaint

  • Finding:

    Reports chest pain


    Pro Tip: A patient’s chief complaint establishes any illnesses or concerns they are presenting. Asking about the chief complaint will allow the patient to voice any concerns or symptoms the patient may have.

    Example Question:

    Do you have chest pain?

History of Present Illness

  • Finding:

    Asked about onset of pain

  • Finding:

    Reports chest pain started appearing in the past month


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing. Focused Exam: Chest Pain, Brian Foster Shadow health Subjective Data Collection: 30 of 30 (100.0%)

    Example Question:

    When did your chest pain start?

  • Finding:

    Asked about location of pain

  • Finding:

    Reports pain is in center of the chest


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing. Focused Exam: Chest Pain, Brian Foster Shadow health Subjective Data Collection: 30 of 30 (100.0%)

    Example Question:

    Where is the pain?

  • Finding:

    Reports pain does not radiate


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    Does the pain radiate?

  • Finding:

    Denies arm pain


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    Are you experiencing arm pain?

  • Finding:

    Denies shoulder pain


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    Are you experiencing shoulder pain?

  • Finding:

    Denies back pain


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    Are you experiencing back pain?

  • Finding:

    Denies neck pain


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing. Focused Exam: Chest Pain, Brian Foster Shadow health Subjective Data Collection: 30 of 30 (100.0%)

    Example Question:

    Are you experiencing neck pain?

  • Finding:

    Asked about duration of pain episodes

  • Finding:

    Reports each pain episode lasted “several” minutes


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    How long does your chest pain last?

  • Finding:

    Asked about frequency of pain

  • Finding:

    Reports 3 pain episodes in past month


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    How many times in the last month have you had chest pain?

  • Finding:

    Reports that pain episodes did not seem related


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    Did the episodes seem associated?

  • Finding:

    Asked about severity of pain

  • Finding:

    Reports current pain is 0 out of 10


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    How would you rate your pain on a scale of zero to ten?

  • Finding:

    Reports pain severity at its worst is 5 out of 10


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    How would you rate your pain on a scale of zero to ten?

  • Finding:

    Asked about characteristics of pain

  • Finding:

    Describes pain as tight and uncomfortable


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    Can you describe your pain?

  • Finding:

    Denies crushing pain


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    Is the pain crushing?

  • Finding:

    Denies gnawing pain


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    Is the pain gnawing?

  • Finding:

    Denies burning pain


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    Is the pain burning?

  • Finding:

    Asked about aggravating factors

  • Finding:

    Reports pain is aggravated by activity


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    What makes the pain worse?

  • Finding:

    Reports pain occurred with yard work and taking stairs


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    What activity triggered the pain?

  • Finding:

    Reports pain does not worsen with eating


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    Is the pain worse when you eat?

  • Finding:

    Reports pain does not worsen after spicy foods


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    Is the pain worse after you eat spicy food?

  • Finding:

    Reports pain does not worsen after high-fat foods


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    Is the pain worse after you eat high-fat foods?

  • Finding:

    Asked about relieving factors

  • Finding:

    Reports pain relief with brief period of rest


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    What relieves your pain?

  • Finding:

    Denies taking medication to treat chest pain


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about the length of their current health issues solicits information relevant to the history of their present illness. Details of their current complaint will help you follow-up on any present conditions or symptoms, such as the location of their pain or the amount of pain they may be experiencing.

    Example Question:

    Did you take anything for the chest pain?

Past Medical History

  • Finding:

    Confirmed allergies

  • Finding:

    Confirms allergies


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    Do you have new allergies?

  • Finding:

    Asked about related medical conditions

  • Finding:

    Denies angina diagnosis


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    Do you have a history of angina?

  • Finding:

    Reports high blood pressure


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    Do you have high blood pressure?

  • Finding:

    Reports high cholesterol


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    Do you have high cholesterol?

  • Finding:

    Denies coronary artery disease


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    Do you have coronary artery disease?

  • Finding:

    Denies diabetes


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    Do you have diabetes?

  • Finding:

    Denies previous treatment for chest pain


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    Have you had previous treatment for chest pain?

  • Finding:

    Asked about blood pressure monitoring

  • Finding:

    Does not frequently monitor BP at home


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    How often do you measure your blood pressure?

  • Finding:

    Reports infrequent BP checks


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    When do you measure your blood pressure?

  • Finding:

    Denies knowledge of typical BP reading


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    What is your typical blood pressure reading?

  • Finding:

    Asked about past cardiac tests

  • Finding:

    Reports recent EKG test


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    Have you recently had an EKG?

  • Finding:

    Reports annual stress test


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    Have you recently had a stress test?

  • Finding:

    Followed up on results of cardiac tests

  • Finding:

    Reports belief that EKG was normal


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    What were the results of your last EKG?

  • Finding:

    Reports belief that stress test was normal


    Pro Tip: Inquiring into the patient’s relevant history can reveal past diagnoses and previous conditions or concerns. Information about the patient’s existing health conditions, a timeline of diagnosis, symptoms, and allergies can indicate where you should follow-up for further care and treatment.

    Example Question:

    What were the results of your last stress test?

Home Medications

  • Finding:

    Asked about home medications

  • Finding:

    Reports taking high blood pressure medication


    Pro Tip: A patient’s home medications can provide insight into the patient’s current treatment and its efficacy. Inquiring into medication history, dosage, and frequency will help you understand the patient’s background and how it may affect their current situation.

    Example Question:

    Do you take medication for high blood pressure?

  • Finding:

    Reports taking high cholesterol medication


    Pro Tip: A patient’s home medications can provide insight into the patient’s current treatment and its efficacy. Inquiring into medication history, dosage, and frequency will help you understand the patient’s background and how it may affect their current situation.

    Example Question:

    Do you take medication for high cholesterol?

  • Finding:

    Reports occasional ibuprofen use


    Pro Tip: A patient’s home medications can provide insight into the patient’s current treatment and its efficacy. Inquiring into medication history, dosage, and frequency will help you understand the patient’s background and how it may affect their current situation.

    Example Question:

    Do you take over the counter medications?

  • Finding:

    Reports taking fish oil


    Pro Tip: A patient’s home medications can provide insight into the patient’s current treatment and its efficacy. Inquiring into medication history, dosage, and frequency will help you understand the patient’s background and how it may affect their current situation.

    Example Question:

    Do you take any supplements?

  • Finding:

    Denies aspirin regimen


    Pro Tip: A patient’s home medications can provide insight into the patient’s current treatment and its efficacy. Inquiring into medication history, dosage, and frequency will help you understand the patient’s background and how it may affect their current situation.

    Example Question:

    Do you take aspirin?

  • Finding:

    Followed up on high blood pressure medication

  • Finding:

    Reports taking lisinopril


    Pro Tip: A patient’s home medications can provide insight into the patient’s current treatment and its efficacy. Inquiring into medication history, dosage, and frequency will help you understand the patient’s background and how it may affect their current situation.

    Example Question:

    What medication do you take for high blood pressure?

  • Finding:

    Reports lisinopril dose is 20 mg


    Pro Tip: A patient’s home medications can provide insight into the patient’s current treatment and its efficacy. Inquiring into medication history, dosage, and frequency will help you understand the patient’s background and how it may affect their current situation.

    Example Question:

    What dose of medication do you take for high blood pressure?

  • Finding:

    Reports taking lisinopril once daily


    Pro Tip: A patient’s home medications can provide insight into the patient’s current treatment and its efficacy. Inquiring into medication history, dosage, and frequency will help you understand the patient’s background and how it may affect their current situation.

    Example Question:

    How frequently do you take medication for high blood pressure?

  • Finding:

    Followed up on high cholesterol medication

  • Finding:

    Reports taking atorvastatin


    Pro Tip: A patient’s home medications can provide insight into the patient’s current treatment and its efficacy. Inquiring into medication history, dosage, and frequency will help you understand the patient’s background and how it may affect their current situation.

    Example Question:

    What medication do you take for high cholesterol?

  • Finding:

    Reports atorvastatin dose is 20 mg


    Pro Tip: A patient’s home medications can provide insight into the patient’s current treatment and its efficacy. Inquiring into medication history, dosage, and frequency will help you understand the patient’s background and how it may affect their current situation.

    Example Question:

    What dose of medication do you take for high cholesterol?

  • Finding:

    Reports taking atorvastatin once daily


    Pro Tip: A patient’s home medications can provide insight into the patient’s current treatment and its efficacy. Inquiring into medication history, dosage, and frequency will help you understand the patient’s background and how it may affect their current situation.

    Example Question:

    How frequently do you take medication for high cholesterol?

  • Finding:

    Reports taking atorvastatin at bedtime


    Pro Tip: A patient’s home medications can provide insight into the patient’s current treatment and its efficacy. Inquiring into medication history, dosage, and frequency will help you understand the patient’s background and how it may affect their current situation.

    Example Question:

    What time of day do you take your high cholesterol medication?

  • Finding:

    Reports having taken atorvastatin for one year


    Pro Tip: A patient’s home medications can provide insight into the patient’s current treatment and its efficacy. Inquiring into medication history, dosage, and frequency will help you understand the patient’s background and how it may affect their current situation.

    Example Question:

    How long have you taken cholesterol medication?

Social Determinants of Health

  • Finding:

    Asked about access to healthcare

  • Finding:

    Reports a primary care provider


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) can unearth underlying social, political, or economic barriers to their health and wellbeing. Recognizing a patient’s SDOH can lead you to provide more informed and empathetic care for your patients, because you will have a greater understanding of the challenges they face.

    Example Question:

    Do you have a primary care provider?

  • Finding:

    Reports last visit 3 months ago


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) can unearth underlying social, political, or economic barriers to their health and wellbeing. Recognizing a patient’s SDOH can lead you to provide more informed and empathetic care for your patients, because you will have a greater understanding of the challenges they face.

    Example Question:

    When was your last visit to a healthcare provider?

  • Finding:

    Reports usually sees healthcare provider every 6 months


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) can unearth underlying social, political, or economic barriers to their health and wellbeing. Recognizing a patient’s SDOH can lead you to provide more informed and empathetic care for your patients, because you will have a greater understanding of the challenges they face.

    Example Question:

    How often do you see a healthcare provider?

  • Finding:

    Denies transportation is a barrier to healthcare


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) can unearth underlying social, political, or economic barriers to their health and wellbeing. Recognizing a patient’s SDOH can lead you to provide more informed and empathetic care for your patients, because you will have a greater understanding of the challenges they face.

    Example Question:

    Do you have difficulty accessing healthcare because of transportation?

  • Finding:

    Denies finances are a barrier to healthcare


    Pro Tip: Asking a patient about Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) can unearth underlying social, political, or economic barriers to their health and wellbeing. Recognizing a patient’s SDOH can lead you to provide more informed and empathetic care for your patients, because you will have a greater understanding of the challenges they face.

    Example Question:

    Do you have trouble affording healthcare?

Social History

  • Finding:

    Asked about stress

  • Finding:

    Reports generally low stress lifestyle


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    What is your stress level?

  • Finding:

    Asked about exercise

  • Finding:

    Denies regular exercise routine


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    What kind of exercise do you get?

  • Finding:

    Reports last regular exercising was 2 years ago


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    When did you last exercise regularly?

  • Finding:

    Asked about typical diet

  • Finding:

    Reports typical breakfast is granola bar and instant breakfast shake


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    What is a typical breakfast for you?

  • Finding:

    Reports typical lunch is turkey sub


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    What is a typical lunch for you?

  • Finding:

    Reports typical dinner is grilled meat and vegetables


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    What is a typical dinner for you?

  • Finding:

    Denies moderation of salt intake


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    Do you moderate your salt intake?

  • Finding:

    Asked about fluid intake

  • Finding:

    Reports drinking 4 glasses of water daily


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    Do you drink water every day?

  • Finding:

    Reports drinking 2 cups of coffee daily


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    How much coffee do you drink per day?

  • Finding:

    Denies soda drinking


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    How much soda do you drink per day?

  • Finding:

    Asked about substance use

  • Finding:

    Denies current illicit drug use


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    Do you use illicit drugs?

  • Finding:

    Denies tobacco use


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    Do you use tobacco?

  • Finding:

    Reports moderate alcohol consumption


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    Do you consume alcohol?

  • Finding:

    Followed up on alcohol consumption

  • Finding:

    Reports drinking 2-3 alcoholic drinks per week


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    Do you drink alcohol?

  • Finding:

    Reports 2-3 drinks in one sitting


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    How many alcoholic drinks do you have in one sitting?

  • Finding:

    Reports drinking only on weekends


    Pro Tip: A patient’s social history encompasses their family and support system, living situation, and daily behaviors such as diet, exercise, sexual activity, and substance use. These factors can influence their current health and wellness. Asking about a patient’s social history can also unveil the influence of their present illnesses in their social lives.

    Example Question:

    When do you drink alcohol?

Review of Systems

  • Finding:

    Asked about constitutional health

  • Finding:

    Denies fever


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have a fever?

  • Finding:

    Denies chills


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have chills?

  • Finding:

    Denies fatigue


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you feel tired?

  • Finding:

    Denies night sweats


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have night sweats?

  • Finding:

    Denies weight loss


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Have you experienced recent weight loss?

  • Finding:

    Denies dizziness or lightheadedness


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have dizziness?

  • Finding:

    Denies palpitations


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have palpitations?

  • Finding:

    Asked review of systems for cardiovascular

  • Finding:

    Denies history of angina


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have a history of angina?

  • Finding:

    Denies edema


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have any swelling?

  • Finding:

    Denies circulation problems


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have any problems with circulation?

  • Finding:

    Denies blood clots


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Have you ever had a blood clot?

  • Finding:

    Denies history of rheumatic fever


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have a history of rheumatic fever?

  • Finding:

    Denies history of heart murmur


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have a history of heart murmur?

  • Finding:

    Denies easy bleeding


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Have you noticed any unusual bleeding?

  • Finding:

    Denies easy bruising


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Have you noticed any unusual bruising?

  • Finding:

    Denies blue skin


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Has your skin ever turned blue?

  • Finding:

    Asked about review of systems for respiratory

  • Finding:

    Denies cough


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have a cough?

  • Finding:

    Denies difficulty breathing


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Have you had difficulty breathing?

  • Finding:

    Denies shortness of breath at rest


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have difficulty breathing when lying down?

  • Finding:

    Asked about review of systems for HEENT

  • Finding:

    Denies change in sense of taste


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Have you experienced a change in taste?

  • Finding:

    Denies sore throat


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have a sore throat?

  • Finding:

    Denies difficulty swallowing


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have dysphagia?

  • Finding:

    Asked about review of systems for gastrointestinal

  • Finding:

    Denies nausea


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have nausea?

  • Finding:

    Denies vomiting


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Have you vomited recently?

  • Finding:

    Denies diarrhea


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have diarrhea?

  • Finding:

    Denies constipation


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have constipation?

  • Finding:

    Denies gassiness


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Have you been gassy?

  • Finding:

    Denies bloating


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have bloating?

  • Finding:

    Denies heartburn or GERD


    Pro Tip: Understanding a patient’s health involves a comprehensive overview of their physiological systems. This is necessary to understand what symptoms may indicate larger issues, and what treatments the patient may require.

    Example Question:

    Do you have heartburn or GERD?

Family Medical History

  • Finding:

    Asked about relevant family history

  • Finding:

    Reports family history of heart attack


    Pro Tip: A patient’s family medical history can indicate if the patient is at a higher risk for certain illnesses and disorders. Gathering this information can contextualize a patient’s current complaint and how their family’s health history might be influencing it.

    Example Question:

    Has anyone in your family had a heart attack?

  • Finding:

    Denies family history of stroke

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    Pro Tip: A patient’s family medical history can indicate if the patient is at a higher risk for certain illnesses and disorders. Gathering this information can contextualize a patient’s current complaint and how their family’s health history might be influencing it.

    Example Question:

    Do you have a family history of stroke?

  • Finding:

    Denies family history of pulmonary embolism

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