Bipolar Disorder Lucas Callahan Shadow Health Transcript

Bipolar Disorder Lucas Callahan Shadow Health Transcript


Started: Jun 25, 2022 | Total Time: 210 min
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Hello. My name is XXXX, I will interview and examine you

06/25/22 12:27 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Hey! What’s up?
Your Avatar.
Whats your name?

06/25/22 12:28 PM EDT

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Lucas Callahan.
My name is Lucas Callahan, and don’t wear it out! Unless you want to! Unless your hobby is wearing names out!
Your Avatar.

06/25/22 12:31 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Listen, I KNOW Im at risk for injury! Remember what I was telling you earlier, about the government agents following me because they know, in their weasely little weasel-minds, that Im an enlightened threat? So, yeah. Were on the same page.
Your Avatar.

06/25/22 12:31 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Right, right, you gotta keep me safe like a little babe swaddled in the manger of life. Totally agree with you! Im all baby blanket and pacifier. Life is beautiful, glorious, radiant — gotta preserve it at all costs. Im a national treasure. Kiss my feet if you want.
Your Avatar.

06/25/22 12:31 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Yeah, lets do this thing. Im game. Youre game. All were missing are the cheerleaders. Hey, Lucas! Hes our man! If he cant do it, no one can! Rah rah rah! Sis boom bah bah bah!
Your Avatar.
What brings you here today?

06/25/22 1:46 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Those idiot cops brought me here. I don’t need to be here but the front desk guy said that they have to check me out. Like I’m some sort of book in the history of atlases.
Your Avatar.
Why did the cops bring you here?

06/25/22 1:50 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
So, I was running around trying to find out what car they — so these government agents, I get this feeling they’re after me sometimes, and when I feel really good, especially, I’m more in touch with when they’re after me — so I was checking out some cars, like, I just KNEW they were hiding in one of them — I mean, it was a grocery store parking lot, I’m sure I looked crazy running around and stuff.
Your Avatar.
What did the government agents want? (Clarified to Why do government agents want to contain you?.)

06/25/22 1:51 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
I am in possession of certain secrets that certain people would die to protect. I can’t go into detail. They could be listening, but agents were coming for me. All the fruit and hot dogs were sleeping in the grocery store. But outside the grocery store, there they were. Agents. They imprison, it’s what they do. They wanted to “contain” me, but I cannot be contained. (Clarified to why the agents wanted to contain me.)
Your Avatar.
Are you anxious or paranoid?

06/25/22 1:52 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Listen, I’m not paranoid or anything. I’m telling you facts. Cold, hard facts. Put ’em in your pocket and feel that weight. That’s right. Government agents were chasing me and it’s a good thing that they never got me.
Your Avatar.
Am sorry about that

06/25/22 1:53 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Thanks a million, but I’m all good, I promise!
Your Avatar.
Are you anxious?

06/25/22 1:55 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
I’m not anxious or paranoid or whatever. I mean, I just have a really really fine-tuned sense of, like, OK, now they’re coming for me, the government agents, and I have to be on the look out, ’cause no way am I being snatched up, not a chance.
Your Avatar.
Any hallucinations?

06/25/22 1:56 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
No way. I don’t see junk that’s not there or anything.
Your Avatar.
Any recent substance use?

06/25/22 1:57 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
I haven’t been anything but sober for like, four days. I know I seem like I’m on something, but I’m just this way naturally.
Your Avatar.
Which substance did you last use? (Clarified to What was the last substance you used?.)

06/25/22 1:58 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
I haven’t been anything but sober for like, four days. I know I seem like I’m on something, but I’m just this way naturally. (Clarified to what the substance I used most recently is.)
Your Avatar.
Do you get enough sleep?

06/25/22 1:59 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Well, there’s not much of it, but I get a couple hours in usually, and I never feel, like, unrested or anything. Recently, I haven’t had to sleep for like, four days. It’s sick, completely bangin’.
Your Avatar.
Am sorry about that

06/25/22 1:59 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
That’s super cool of you, thanks!
Your Avatar.
What is your energy level?

06/25/22 2:00 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Awesome! I mean, I’m just a high energy kind of guy, a lot of the time. But this week especially I’ve felt, like, crazy up and up, and I love it. I just love it. I feel like I could lift a horse.
Your Avatar.
What is your current mood?

06/25/22 2:00 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
I am 100% letting the good times roll. Couldn’t be better.
Your Avatar.
When did your high energy begin?

06/25/22 2:05 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
I didn’t mark it on a calendar or anything, but a week ago sounds right. It’s the greatest thing ever. You wouldn’t believe all the stuff you can get done with a ton of energy. It’s like: yes! yes! yes! I should be the mascot for a battery company or something. It doesn’t hurt that I’m good-looking.
Your Avatar.
Have you had euphoria? (No matching questions found.)

06/25/22 2:06 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
How long have you had a good mood? (Clarified to How long has your mood been this good?.)

06/25/22 2:06 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
I’ve had the jazz in my blood for a week, I’d say. It’s been all trumpets and horn ever since. Gosh, I always knew it could be this way. Me, being the best version of myself. The world, parting its lip like a dang oyster for my consumption. What a life! Ain’t it a song? (Clarified to how long my mood has been this good.)
Your Avatar.
Any current health problems?

06/25/22 2:07 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Not really. They diagnosed me with depression, but I’m really not worried about that anymore. I’m just really not in that headspace right now.
Your Avatar.
What are your typical moods?

06/25/22 2:07 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
You’ve got Option A and Option B. With A, we’re talking about a bottomless rat hole. With B, we’re talking good vibes that don’t disappoint. I’ll stick with B, thanks.
Your Avatar.
What are your typical energy levels?

06/25/22 2:16 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Arg! Picture this: a ship on the sea. The waves go up and down. The ship bobs. What’s normal if the ship’s a’bob? You tell me. I’ve been high and I’ve been low.
Have you experienced depression or suicide attempts in the past?

06/25/22 3:44 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Well, yes, I have felt that way before, but that was, what, a couple months ago? I really feel fine and dandy these days. Dandy and dandy, even.
Your Avatar.
Am sorry you’ve been through a lot.

06/25/22 3:45 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Hey, I appreciate the good vibes.
Your Avatar.
 Assessed vitals

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:47 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected right eye

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:55 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected left eye

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:55 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Performed otoscopic examination of right naris

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:56 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Performed otoscopic examination of left naris

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:56 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected top of arms

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:56 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected right forearm

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:56 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected right wrist

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:56 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected left forearm

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:56 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected left wrist

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:56 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected top of arms

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:57 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected chest

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:57 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected legs

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:57 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Inspected back

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:57 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated breath sounds

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:58 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Auscultated heart sounds

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:58 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Palpated abdomen

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:58 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Palpated right and left radial pulse

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:58 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Palpated right and left dorsalis pedis pulse

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:58 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Palpated capillary refill on right and left hand

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:59 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Performed EKG

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:59 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Assessed lab results

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:59 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Assessed general appearance: posture is bent or hunched, clothing is dirty and disheveled, grooming and self-care are otherwise adequate, eye contact is direct

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:59 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Assessed attitude: displays frequent distrust and evasiveness

Exam Action
06/25/22 3:59 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Assessed speech: rate of speech is rapid, but at an appropriate volume, and no issues with articulation

Exam Action
06/25/22 4:00 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Assessed mood and affect: frequent mood changes throughout interview; excessively expansive or cheerful affect

Exam Action
06/25/22 4:00 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Assessed thought process: presence of rapid thinking, disorganized or illogical flow of thought, “word salad,” neologisms, echolalia, and clanging associations

Exam Action
06/25/22 4:00 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Assessed thought content: presence of delusions; no presence of perceptual disturbances or hallucinations

Exam Action
06/25/22 4:00 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Confirmed orientation

Exam Action
06/25/22 4:00 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
What is your name and date of birth?

06/25/22 4:01 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Lucas Callahan, born . . . [Mr. Callahan reports his correct date of birth.]
Your Avatar.
What building are you in now?

06/25/22 4:01 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
The hospital. Shadow General.
Your Avatar.
What is the date and year?

06/25/22 4:01 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
The date is . . . [Mr. Callahan reports the correct date and year.]
Your Avatar.
 Assessed cognition

Exam Action
06/25/22 4:02 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
Count backwards from 100 by 7 until you get to the 60s.

06/25/22 4:02 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Easy! 100, 93, 86, 79… [Mr. Callahan finishes the sequence.]
Your Avatar.
 Assessed cognition

Exam Action
06/25/22 4:03 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
How are apples and oranges alike?

06/25/22 4:03 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
They’re both fruits, of course!
Your Avatar.
How are a lake and an ocean alike?

06/25/22 4:03 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
They’re both bodies of water.
Your Avatar.
How are a trumpet and a flute alike?

06/25/22 4:04 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
They’re both instruments. And they both are way underused in modern post-punk.
Your Avatar.
 Assessed cognition

Exam Action
06/25/22 4:04 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
Repeat and remember burger, tulip, nose, and tea.

06/25/22 4:06 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Burger, tulip, nose and tea. Yep, I got this.
Your Avatar.
How did you celebrate your last birthday?

06/25/22 4:07 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Oh, it was actually really awesome! Me and some friends did the Bake-a-Cake Blindfolded Challenge. Then we just went out to a couple of my favorite bars. It actually wasn’t as rowdy as you’d think, but it was just great vibes all around.
Your Avatar.
Repeat the four words from before.

06/25/22 4:08 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
OK . . . burger, tulip, nose, and tea. Ha! Nailed it.
Your Avatar.
Copy the shapes exactly as you see them.

06/25/22 4:08 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Right on. Let’s do this!
Your Avatar.
 Assessed insight: demonstrates limited awareness of illness and is unwilling to seek treatment

Exam Action
06/25/22 4:09 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
 Assessed judgment: demonstrates good judgment

Exam Action
06/25/22 4:09 PM EDT

Your Avatar.
What would you do if you found a stamped envelope on the sidewalk?

06/25/22 4:10 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Probably put it in a mailbox, if I saw there was one nearby.
Your Avatar.
Based on your presentation today, I believe you are at risk of injury.

06/25/22 5:02 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Listen, I KNOW Im at risk for injury! Remember what I was telling you earlier, about the government agents following me because they know, in their weasely little weasel-minds, that Im an enlightened threat? So, yeah. Were on the same page.
Your Avatar.
My goal is to keep you safe and injury free until you can be seen by the next provider. I will put you in a private room where you will be safe from danger and we will check on you frequently. I’ll do a quick physical exam later.

06/25/22 5:05 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Right, right, you gotta keep me safe like a little babe swaddled in the manger of life. Totally agree with you! Im all baby blanket and pacifier. Life is beautiful, glorious, radiant — gotta preserve it at all costs. Im a national treasure. Kiss my feet if you want.
Your Avatar.
Are you ready to move forward with the care plan?

06/25/22 5:06 PM EDT

Lucas Callahan.
Yeah, lets do this thing. Im game. Youre game. All were missing are the cheerleaders. Hey, Lucas! Hes our man! If he cant do it, no one can! Rah rah rah! Sis boom bah bah bah!

Bipolar Disorder Lucas Callahan Shadow Health Transcript

Started: Jun 25, 2022 | Total Time: 210 min

Your Avatar.
Hello. I’m XXXX, and I will interview and examine you.

06/25/22 12:27 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
Hey! What’s up?

Your Avatar.
What’s your name?

06/25/22 12:31 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
Listen, I KNOW I’m at risk for injury! Remember what I was telling you earlier, about the government agents following me because they know, in their sneaky minds, that I’m an enlightened threat? So, yeah. We’re on the same page.

06/25/22 12:31 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
Right, right, you gotta keep me safe like a little baby swaddled in the manger of life. Totally agree with you! I’m all baby blanket and pacifier. Life is beautiful, glorious, radiant — gotta preserve it at all costs. I’m a national treasure. Kiss my feet if you want.

06/25/22 12:31 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
Yeah, let’s do this thing. I’m game. You’re game. All we’re missing are the cheerleaders. Hey, Lucas! He’s our man! If he can’t do it, no one can! Rah rah rah! Sis boom bah bah bah!

06/25/22 1:46 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
Those idiot cops brought me here. I don’t need to be here, but the front desk guy said that they have to check me out. Like I’m some sort of history book in the library of life.

06/25/22 1:50 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
So, I was running around trying to find out what car they — so these government agents, I get this feeling they’re after me sometimes, and when I feel really good, especially, I’m more in touch with when they’re after me — so I was checking out some cars, like, I just KNEW they were hiding in one of them — I mean, it was a grocery store parking lot, I’m sure I looked crazy running around and stuff.

06/25/22 1:51 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
I am in possession of certain secrets that certain people would die to protect. I can’t go into detail. They could be listening, but agents were coming for me. All the fruit and hot dogs were sleeping in the grocery store. But outside the grocery store, there they were. Agents. They imprison, it’s what they do. They wanted to “contain” me, but I cannot be contained.

06/25/22 1:52 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
Listen, I’m not paranoid or anything. I’m telling you facts. Cold, hard facts. Put ’em in your pocket and feel that weight. That’s right. Government agents were chasing me and it’s a good thing that they never got me.

06/25/22 1:53 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
Thanks a million, but I’m all good, I promise!

06/25/22 1:55 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
I’m not anxious or paranoid or whatever. I mean, I just have a really fine-tuned sense of, like, OK, now they’re coming for me, the government agents, and I have to be on the lookout, ’cause no way am I being snatched up, not a chance.

06/25/22 1:56 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
No way. I don’t see stuff that’s not there or anything.

06/25/22 1:57 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
I haven’t been anything but sober for like, four days. I know I seem like I’m on something, but I’m just this way naturally.

06/25/22 1:58 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
I haven’t been anything but sober for like, four days. I know I seem like I’m on something, but I’m just this way naturally.

06/25/22 1:59 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
Well, there’s not much of it, but I get a couple hours in usually, and I never feel, like, unrested or anything. Recently, I haven’t had to sleep for like, four days. It’s sick, completely awesome.

06/25/22 1:59 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
That’s super cool of you, thanks!

06/25/22 2:00 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
Awesome! I mean, I’m just a high-energy kind of guy, a lot of the time. But this week especially I’ve felt crazy up and up, and I love it. I feel like I could lift a horse.

06/25/22 2:00 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
I am 100% letting the good times roll. Couldn’t be better.

06/25/22 2:05 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
I didn’t mark it on a calendar or anything, but a week ago sounds right. It’s the greatest thing ever. You wouldn’t believe all the stuff you can get done with a ton of energy. It’s like: yes! yes! yes! I should be the mascot for a battery company or something.

06/25/22 2:06 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
I’ve had the jazz in my blood for a week, I’d say. It’s been all trumpets and horns ever since. Gosh, I always knew it could be this way. Me, being the best version of myself. The world, parting its lip like a dang oyster for my consumption. What a life! Ain’t it a song?

06/25/22 2:07 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
Not really. They diagnosed me with depression, but I’m really not worried about that anymore. I’m just really not in that headspace right now.

06/25/22 2:07 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
You’ve got Option A and Option B. With A, we’re talking about a bottomless pit. With B, we’re talking good vibes that don’t disappoint. I’ll stick with B, thanks.

06/25/22 2:16 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
Arg! Picture this: a ship on the sea. The waves go up and down. The ship bobs. What’s normal if the ship’s a’bob? You tell me. I’ve been high and I’ve been low.

06/25/22 3:44 PM EDT
Lucas Callahan.
Well, yes, I have felt that way before, but that was, what, a couple months ago? I really feel fine and dandy these days. Dandy and dandy, even.


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