Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology

Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology

Unit 1: Cellular Homeostasis

  • Unit Introduction – Cellular Homeostasis

    Welcome to Unit 1 of the course! During Unit 1, you will be focusing on the key concepts of cellular biology and alterations at the cellular and tissue level. It is essential that advanced practice nurses have a foundational understanding of basic cellular structure and function in order to understand and apply concepts of cellular and tissue alterations. Specifically, in this first unit, your focus is to learn about the course and the advanced knowledge and skills needed by advanced practice nurses who will be caring for and educating patients across the lifespan with many different pathologies.

    Unit Learning Objectives

    • Apply knowledge of homeostatic mechanisms, such as fluid and electrolyte balance, acid-base balance, and theroregulation to normal physiology and pathophysiologic conditions. (CLO 1,6)
    • Compare cellular injury and adaptation. (CLO 1,6)
    • Contrast two general theories of aging. (CLO 1,6)
    • Apply the forces favoring and opposing the movement of water between body compartments to the different causes of edema. (CLO 1,6)
    • Analyze the effect of specific hormones of fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base balance. (CLO 1,6)
    • Predict fluid, electrolyte, and acid-base imbalances likely in select pathophysiologic conditions (CLO 1,6)
  • Learning Materials

    • McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). Elsevier.
      • Chapter 1, “Cellular Biology”
      • Chapter 2, “Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology”
      • Chapter 3, “The Cellular Environment: Fluids and Electrolytes, Acids, and Bases”

      Note: Unless otherwise noted, all articles are available through the University of St. Augustine Library.

    Textbook PowerPoint(s)
    Faculty Lecture(s)
    Optional Resources
  • Faculty Lecture: Altered Cellular and Tissue Biology

  • To participate in your Introductions Discussion, click the above link and follow the instructions.
    Take a moment to introduce yourself. Things to consider are: Where do you live? What area do you work in? Where would you like to work as an FNP? Feel free to share any other fun details about yourself.
  • To participate in your Unit 1 and 2 combined discussion, click the above link to navigate to the discussion board. Then click “Create Thread” and follow the instructions.
    The purpose of this combined Week 1 and 2 discussion is to examine how your body maintains homeostasis (Week 1 topics) as well as evaluate genetics and epigenetics (Week 2 topics). This Discussion is intended to allow you to show evidence of achieving the following Course Learning Outcomes (CLO):
    CLO1: Apply concepts of pathophysiology at the cellular and systems levels for individuals and populations across the lifespan (ILO 1; PLO 1,7; MSN Essential I)
    CLO2: Examine the impact of genetics and epigenetics on lifestyle and selected pathologies across the lifespan (ILO 1; PLO 1,7; MSN Essential I)
    CLO3: Examine concepts of inflammation and immunity  (ILO 1; PLO 1,7; MSN Essential I)
    CLO6: Analyze the etiology and advanced pathophysiological alterations of selected body systems for common primary care diagnoses across the lifespan  (ILO 1; PLO 1,7; MSN Essential I)
    Discussion Scenario, choose one of the following:
    1. Briefly explain how the body maintains homeostasis through fluid and electrolyte balance.
    2. Briefly explain how the body maintains homeostasis though acid-base balance.
    3. Compare and contrast Capillary hydrostatic pressure and Capillary oncotic pressure
    4. Compare and contrast Interstitial hydrostatic pressure and interstitial oncotic pressure
    5. Discuss the role of reactive oxygen species in cellular injury.
    6. Compare and contrast DNA Hydroxymethylation and DNA Methylation?
    7. Describe the pathophysiologic effects of alcohol exposure to a fetus? What are the long term implications?
    8. Discuss the inheritance pattern of cystic fibrosis. What are the chances that a couple could transmit the condition to their offspring?
    Initial Post:
    • Include at least 2 scholarly, peer reviewed, timely sources (within 5 years) in your response.
    • Writing should be in a professional format with APA appropriate citations and references.
    • Please note that on submission to the discussion board, Blackboard often alters the formatting of the post. This is taken into consideration when faculty grade the post.
    Peer Post:
    • Respond to at least 2 peers whose topics are different than your own.
    • Include at least 1 scholarly, peer reviewed, timely source (within 5 years) in your response.
    • Your response should either add to the content of the topic or based on research findings you include ask additional questions on the topic.
    • Response should be at least 100 words excluding references.
    Faculty Questions:
    • Faculty will be present during the week on the discussion board. It is expected that you will respond to any questions posed directly to you by faculty during the week. A failure to respond may result in a deduction of points as indicated in the Discussion Grading Rubric
    • Please refer to the grading rubric for further details on the content expectations. You can find this under “My Grades”, “Unit 1: Discussion”.
    Initial post due date: Day 7 (Sunday) of Unit 1
    Peer post and Faculty response to any faculty questions due date: Day 7 (Sunday) of Week 2
    Please note: Internet searches will often take you to non-academic information resources such as,,,, etc. For a graduate-level course, you may not supplement your literature search with these sources because they do not come under a formal oversight or peer-review process.
    Please do not submit anything in the form of an attachment to the main forum (unless requested by the Instructor), since it is more likely to transmit viruses and becomes difficult to open.
  • To complete the Check Your Knowledge Quiz for Unit 01, click the above link.
    Check Your Knowledge Quizzes are due by Sunday of the week they are posted.
  • The Purpose of the Respondus Practice Quiz is to validate the functionality of the Respondus browser on your personal device. You must first download the Respondus Browser to your device. Please see link on the left hand panel of the course title “Respondus Help” if you have not downloaded this already. Additionally, the quiz will collect information pertaining to the validation of your review of course materials.

Unit 2: Genetics and Epigenetics


  • Unit Introduction – Genetics and Epigenetics

    Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) underpins the genetic composition of all living things. In the 20th century, Gregory Mendel discovered the importance of chromosomes and genes as the basic units of inheritance. Since then, there has been sequencing of DNA, which is a primary constituent comprising DNA. DNA is the body’s blueprint for genetic sequencing and genetic composition. It is relevant to learn about genetics and the impact of genetic composition while caring for patients across the lifespan. For example, approximately one-third of pediatric patients have some degree of genetic disease. During Unit 2, you will focus on concepts related to genes and genetic disease, gene-environment interactions, and common genetic diseases impacting patients across the lifespan.

    Unit Learning Objectives

    • Describe the following elements of inheritance: autosomal, sex-linked, carrier, dominant, and recessive.  (ILO 1; CLO 2,6; MSN Essential I)
    • Evaluate pedigree charts for the inheritance patterns of genetic diseases. (ILO 1; CLO 2,6; MSN Essential I)
    • Apply concepts of the Punnett square. (ILO 1; CLO 2,6; MSN Essential I)
    • Apply concepts associated with genetics and epigenetics.(ILO 1; CLO 2,6; MSN Essential I)
    • Discuss genetic abnormalities and resulting clinical abnormalities associated with selected genetic disorders. (ILO 1; CLO 2,6; MSN Essential I)
  • Learning Materials

    • McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). Elsevier.
      • Chapter 4, “Genes and Genetic Diseases”
      • Chapter 5, “Genes, Environment-Lifestyle, and Common Diseases”
      • Chapter 6, “Epigenetics and Disease”
    Textbook PowerPoint(s)
    Faculty Lecture(s)
    Optional Resources
  • Faculty Lecture: Epigenetics Processes

  • Faculty Lecture: Chapter 5: Genes, Environment-Lifestyle, and Common Disease

  • To complete the Check Your Knowledge Quiz for Unit 02, click the above link.
    Check Your Knowledge Quizzes are due by Sunday of the week they are posted.
  • To participate in your Unit 1 and 2 combined discussions, click the above link to navigate to the discussion board. Then click “Create Thread” and follow the instructions.

    Unit 3: Inflammation and Immunity


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    • Unit Introduction – Inflammation and Immunity

      The components and processes of innate immunity and adaptive immunity are concepts essential to understanding the body’s response to inflammation and immunity. During Unit 3, you will focus specifically on the body’s innate lines of defense, the inflammatory process, local manifestations of inflammation, acute and chronic inflammatory processes, and active and passive immunity.

      Unit Learning Objectives

      • Summarize the process of types of immunity. (ILO 1; CLO 3, 6; MSN Essential I)
      • Classify examples as which of the four hypersensitivities (ILO 1; CLO 3, 6; MSN Essential I)
      • Differentiate between immediate and delayed hypersensitivities, and give examples of each. (ILO 1; CLO 3, 6; MSN Essential I)
      • Examine the likely causes of autoimmune disease. (ILO 1; CLO 3, 6; MSN Essential I)
      • Describe the factors that influence infection by a pathogen. (ILO 1; CLO 3, 6; MSN Essential I)
      • Characterize mechanisms pathogens use to circumvent host defenses. (ILO 1; CLO 3, 6; MSN Essential I)
      • Describe the cause and effect of common immune deficiencies.(ILO 1; CLO 3, 6; MSN Essential I)
      • Discuss common infectious diseases including infectious microorganisms and typical presentation. (ILO 1; CLO 3, 6; MSN Essential I)
    • Learning Materials

      • McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). Elsevier.
        • Chapter 7, “Innate immunity: Inflammation”
        • Chapter 8, “Adaptive Immunity”
        • Chapter 9, “Alterations in Immunity and Inflammation”
        • Chapter 10, “Infection”
      Textbook PowerPoint(s)
      Faculty Lecture(s)
      Optional Resources
    • Faculty Lecture: Chapter 3 – Innate Immunity

    • The Purpose of this combined Unit 3 & 4 Case Study assignment is to further evaluate the physiology and pathophysiology of inflammation and immunity in the body as well as cancer. This case study assignment is intended to allow you to show evidence of achieving the following Course Learning Outcome (CLOs):
      CLO3: Examine concepts of inflammation and immunity  (ILO 1; PLO 1,7; MSN Essential I)
      CLO4: Describe common microorganisms and resulting infectious processes  (ILO 1; PLO 1,7; MSN Essential I)
      CLO5: Examine relevant issues with regard to cancer biology and cancer epidemiology across the lifespan  (ILO 1; PLO 1,7; MSN Essential I)
      CLO6: Analyze the etiology and advanced pathophysiological alterations of selected body systems for common primary care diagnoses across the lifespan  (ILO 1; PLO 1,7; MSN Essential I)
      Choose one of the following case studies to develop for your assignment submission.Based on this case develop an APA formatted paper addressing the following:
      • Include an introduction and a conclusion
      • Use headers to identify the portions of your paper
      • Paper should be in APA format including a title page and reference page.
      • Use headers to separate the topic areas
      • Include at least 3 scholarly, peer reviewed research articles
      • All sources should be timely and within 5 years
      • Web sites used should be noncommercial (e.g., gov, edu, org) website’s. Remember that website’s are not considered scholarly but may have very useful information.
      • Refer to Case Study grading rubric, found under “My Grades” for further details about how this assignment will be graded.
      • This assignment will be run through the Safe Assign similarity checker to determine if there are areas of your paper that match other sources. You are responsible for checking this report to determine if any revisions are needed for your final submission.
      Case Study Choice 1 (choose only 1)
      Tonya is a 16-year-old high school student. Over the last week, she had been feeling tired and found it difficult to stay awake in class. By the time the weekend had arrived, she developed a sore throat that made it difficult to eat and even drink. On Monday morning, her mother took her to her doctor. Upon completing the physical exam, the nurse practitioner (NP) told Tonya and her mother that the lymph nodes were enlarged in her neck and she had a fever. The NP ordered blood tests and told Tonya she had mononucleosis, a viral infection requiring bed rest.
       Based on the scenario above, answer the following questions in your APA formatted paper:
      1. Innate and adaptive immune defenses work collectively in destroying invasive microorganisms. What is the interaction between macrophages and T lymphocytes during the presentation of antigen in this scenario?
      2. Tonya’s illness is caused by a virus. Where are type I interferons produced, and why are they important in combating viral infections?
      3. Humoral immunity involves the activation of B lymphocytes and production of antibodies. What are the general mechanisms of action that make antibodies a key component of an immune response?
      4. Discuss the pathophysiology of the spleen involvement with this condition? What precautions if any should this patient take?
      Case Study Choice 2 (choose only 1)
      Patient Susan is a 60-year-old female who is presenting to her women health visit with her nurse practitioner. This is for her annual exam. Her last pap smear and mammogram were normal. Today, while performing her breast exam, her nurse practitioner notices dimpling in the left breast as the patient raises her arms over her head. When the NP mentions it to Susan she is surprised and denies noticing it before today. A firm, non-tender, immobile nodule is palpated in the upper quadrant of her breast. She reports no recent or abnormal drainage from her nipple. Further examination reveals palpable axillary lymph nodes.
      Susan is about 30 pounds overweight. She reports drinking a glass of white wine before bed each night. She denies any history of tobacco use. She reports use of a combination birth control pill on and off for 25 years until she reached menopause. She is not currently taking any prescription medications. She had menarche at age 10 and menopause at age 55. Further serological testing reveals the presence of a BRCA-1 gene mutation.
      Based on the scenario above, answer the following questions in your APA formatted paper:
      1. What is the significance of the BRCA1 mutation and how does this contribute to the development of breast cancer (How does is lead to the development of breast cancer? Consider the pathophysiology of this process.
      2. What risk factors are presented in this case study that may contribute to the development of breast cancer besides the BRCA1 mutation? Why do these contribute to the risk?
      3. What are the likely locations of metastasis of this type of cancer? Why? How does metastasis occur?
      4. Describe the conversation you would have with this patient as the NP provider to tell her she has breast cancer?
      Due Date: The Week 3 and 4 combinded case study is due Sunday of Week 4 to the assignment link in Unit 3.
    • To complete the Check Your Knowledge Quiz for Unit 03, click the above link.
      Check Your Knowledge Quizzes are due by Sunday of the week they are posted.
    • Unit 4: Cancer Biology and Cancer Epidemiology


      • Unit Introduction – Cancer Biology and Cancer Epidemiology

        One of the leading causes of death in the 21st century is cancer. It is amazing to think that every cell in the human body has the potential to become cancerous. There are many factors that play a role in the incidence and prevalence of many types of cancer. For example, there is a strong positive correlation between smoking and the incidence and prevalence of developing lung cancer for both males and females. During Unit 4, you will focus specifically on cancer characteristics and terminology, the genetic basis of cancer, invasion and metastasis, clinical manifestations of select types of cancer, genetics, epigenetics, incidence and mortality trends, environmental-lifestyle factors, and selected cancers occurring in children.

        Unit Learning Objectives

        • Summarize the major interactions of the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems in the stress response. (CLO 4)
        • Characterize the effects of cortisol on glucose, proteins, lipids, gastric secretions, and fibroblasts in the stress response. (CLO 4)
        • Characterize changes in the stress response that occur because of aging (stress-age syndrome). (CLO 4)
        • Cite the method for naming and classifying benign and malignant tumors and provide examples. (CLO 5)
        • Contrast the gene products of proto-oncogenes, oncogenes, and tumor suppressor gene. Classify stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, and stage 4 tumors. (CLO 5)
        • Discuss common clinical manifestations of cancer in general and then common manifestations of selected specific cancers. (CLO 5)
      • Learning Materials

        • McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). Elsevier.
          • Chapter 11, “Stress”
          • Chapter 12, “Cancer Biology”
          • Chapter 13, “Cancer Epidemiology”
          • Chapter 14, “Cancer in Children”
        Textbook PowerPoint(s)
        • McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2019).  “Stress .” [PowerPoint slides]. Elsevier.
        • McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2019). “ Cancer Biology ” [PowerPoint slides]. Elsevier.
        • McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2019). “ Cancer Epidemiology ” [PowerPoint slides]. Elsevier.
        • McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2019). “ Cancer in Children ” [PowerPoint slides]. Elsevier.
        Faculty Lecture(s)
        Optional Resources
      • Faculty Lecture: Chapter 12 – Cancer Biology

      • Video: Animated Introduction to Cancer Biology (Full Documentary)

      • Video: Introduction to Cancer Biology (Part 1): Abnormal Signal Transduction

      • Video: Introduction to Cancer Biology (Part 2): Loss of Apoptosis

      • Video: Introduction to Cancer Biology (Part 4): Angiogenesis

      • Video: Cancer: from a healthy cell to a cancer cell

      • Unit 3 and 4 Case Study

        See Submission Link in Unit 3
      • To complete the Check Your Knowledge Quiz for Unit 04, click the above link.
        Check Your Knowledge Quizzes are due by Sunday of the week they are posted.
      • Exam 1: Study Guide

      • NUR 7610 Learning Units 1-3

      Unit 5: Etiology and Advanced Pathophysiological Alterations of the Neurologic System


      • Unit Introduction – Etiology and Advanced Pathophysiological Alterations of the Neurologic System

        The neurologic system is responsible for signaling other body systems. For example, the neurologic system controls and regulates physiologic processes with internal organs, muscles, nerves, and glands. The neurologic system transmits electrical and chemical signals throughout the body through a complex interactive system between the brain and the many bodily organs and tissues. During Unit 5, you will focus specifically on the physiological components of the nervous system, nerve impulses, central, autonomic, and peripheral nervous system, diagnostic studies to examine selected nervous system functions, pain, temperature, sleep and sensory functions, cognitive systems, cerebral dynamics, motor functions, central and peripheral nervous systems, neuromuscular junctions, schizophrenia, mood and anxiety disorders, and selected neurologic function pathologies in children.

        Unit Learning Objectives

        • Correlate the structures of the neurologic system with their function and dysfunction. (CLO 1-6)
        • Correlate pathophysiologic processes of the neurologic system with clinical manifestations. (CLO 1-6)
        • Contrast upper and lower motor neuron syndromes. (CLO 1-6)
        • Contrast the types of stroke in relation to cause and clinical presentations. (CLO 1-6)
        • Discuss the biochemistry and symptom dimensions of schizophrenia. (CLO 1-6)
        • Differentiate between dementia and delirium. (CLO 1-6)
      • Learning Materials

        • McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). Elsevier.
          • Chapter 15, “Structure and Function of the Neurologic System”
          • Chapter 16, “Pain, Temperature Regulation, Sleep, and Sensory Function”
          • Chapter 17, “Alterations in Cognitive Systems, Cerebral Hemodynamics, and Motor Function”
          • Chapter 18, “Disorders of the Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems and the Neuromuscular Junction”
          • Chapter 19, “Neurobiology of Schizophrenia, Mood Disorders, and Anxiety Disorders”
          • Chapter 20, “Alterations of Neurologic Function in Children”
        Textbook PowerPoint(s)
        Faculty Lecture(s)
        Optional Resources
      • Faculty Lecture: Unit 5 – Disorders of the CNS Primary Brain Injury

      • Video: The Human Nervous System

      • Video: The Nervous System In 9 Minutes

      • Video: After watching this, your brain will not be the same | Lara Boyd | TEDxVancouver

      • Video: Understanding Febrile Seizures (Health Guru)

      • Video: Facts About Febrile Seizures In Infants

      • To complete the Check Your Knowledge Quiz for Unit 05, click the above link.
        Check Your Knowledge Quizzes are due by Sunday of the week they are posted.
      • The purpose of this Combined Unit 5 and 6 Concept Map is to develop an in depth understanding of the pathophysiologic alterations of the neurologic system. This discussion is intended to allow you to show evidence of achieving the following Course Learning Outcome(s) (CLO):
        CLO1: Apply concepts of pathophysiology at the cellular and systems levels for individuals and populations across the lifespan (ILO 1, 5; PLO 1,3,7,8).
        CLO4: Describe common microorganisms and resulting infectious processes (ILO 3, 7; PLO 1,3,7,8)
        CLO6: Analyze the etiology and advanced pathophysiological alterations of selected body systems for common primary care diagnoses across the lifespan (ILO 1, 5; PLO 1,3,7,8).
        Alterations of the Neurologic System and Endocrine Disorders
        Concept Map Assignment directions:
        This Assignment consists of 3 parts:
        Part 1 (Due Friday of Week 5):
        Develop a concept map which is a visual representation of interrelated concepts, systems, or processes.
        • This should be in Word or PDF format.
        • Creativity is graded. You are encouraged to use different shapes/colors for key concepts. Be creative and tell a story through your creation.
        • Avoid a simple linear concept map. Topics are listed at the bottom.
        What should your concept map include?
        • Etiology
        • Pathophysiology
        • Clinical presentation
        • Diagnosis/Management of the condition
        • Collaborative management (Consider FNP role and other medical disciplines)
        Paper Format:
        • There should be a title page, concept map, and reference page. No narrative portion needs to be included.
        • Use appropriate APA format.
        • Include a minimum of 3 scholarly, peer reviewed research articles to support the content of the concept map that are timely and within 5 years.
        • Web sites used should be noncommercial (e.g., gov, edu, org) websites. Remember that websites are not considered scholarly but may have very useful information.
        Part 2 (Due Monday of Week 6):
        • You will submit a Kaltura video of yourself presenting the concept map and describing your rationale for each element. This should be brief, but you should speak slowly and clearly and be fully able to explain the concepts.
        • The concept map should be visible
        • You should be visible
        • It should be no longer than 5 minutes in length. See rubric for grading components of Kaltura video.
        • Submit the Kaltura video to the discussion board for your peers to review.
        Part 3 (Due Sunday of Week 6):
        • In the discussion area, respond to at least one peer who completed a different topic than yours
        • Include at least 1 scholarly, peer reviewed research article to support your input
        Due Dates:
        • Initial paper submission including Concept Map Due by Day 5 (Friday) of Week 5
        • Kaltura Video posted to discussion board by Due by Day 1 (Monday) of Week 6
        • Respond to at least 1 peer with a topic that is different than yours including at least a 100 word response excluding salutation/references by Due by Day 7 (Sunday) of Week 6
        Choose from the below topics for your concept map:
        • Phantom limb pain
        • Complex regional pain syndrome
        • Heat Stroke
        • arteriovenous malformation
        • Schizophrenia
        • Stress and hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system dysregulation
        • Neural Tube defects
        • Cerebral palsy
        • Alzheimer’s disease
        • Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
        • Adrenal insufficiency
        • Hypopituitarism
        • Hyperpituitarism
        • Hyperparathyroidism
        • Hypoparathyroidism
        • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
        • Primary hyperaldosteronism
        • Secondary hyperaldosteronism

      Unit 6: Etiology and Advanced Pathophysiological Alterations of the Endocrine System


      • Unit Introduction – Etiology and Advanced Pathophysiological Alterations of the Endocrine System

        The endocrine system is responsible for signaling other body systems. For example, the endocrine system controls and regulates physiologic bodily processes by synthesizing and releasing special chemical messengers called hormones. The endocrine system conveys specific chemical regulatory among cells and organs are integrated with the nervous system to communicate and control bodily processes and function. During Unit 6, you will focus specifically on the physiological components of the endocrine system, regulation of hormonal release, hormone transport, hormone receptors, hormonal effects, as well as structure and function of the endocrine glands and alterations in the endocrine system.

        Unit Learning Objectives

        • Correlate the structures of the endocrine system with their function and dysfunction. (CLO 1-6)
        • Correlate pathophysiologic processes of the endocrine system with clinical manifestations. (CLO 1-6)
        • Correlate pathophysiologic processes of the endocrine system with clinical manifestations. (CLO 1-6)
        • Compare type 1 and type 2 diabetes causes, manifestations, and treatment. (CLO 1-6)
        • Contrast diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and hyperglycemic hyperosmotic syndrome (HHS). (CLO 1-6)
      • Learning Materials

        • McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). Elsevier.
          • Chapter 21, “Mechanisms of Hormonal Regulation”
          • Chapter 22, “Alterations of Hormonal Regulation”
          • Chapter 23, “Obesity and Disorders of Nutrition”
        Textbook PowerPoint(s)
        Faculty Lecture(s)
        Optional Resources
        Concept Map Resources
      • Faculty Lecture: Mechanisms of Hormonal Regulation

      • To participate in your Unit 5 & 6: Concept Map Discussion for Kaltura submission/peer response, click the above link to navigate to the discussion board. Then click “Create Thread” and follow the instructions.
        • Kaltura Video posted to discussion board by Day 5 (Monday) of Week 6
        • Respond to at least 1 peer with a topic that is different than yours including at least a 100 word response excluding salutation/references by Due by Day 7 (Sunday) of Week 6
      • To complete the Check Your Knowledge Quiz for Unit 06, click the above link.
        Check Your Knowledge Quizzes are due by Sunday of the week they are posted.
      • Unit 7: Etiology and Advanced Pathophysiological Alterations of the Male and Female Reproductive System


        • Unit Introduction – Etiology and Advanced Pathophysiological Alterations of the Male and Female Reproductive System

          Unit 7 provides an overview of the normal structure and function of the male and female reproductive systems. It provides specific focus on the development of the male and female reproductive systems, tests of reproductive function, and impact of aging on the reproductive system. You will also review selected alterations and diagnoses in the male and female reproductive systems.

          Unit Learning Objectives

          • Correlate the structures of the reproductive systems with their function and dysfunction. (CLO 1-6)
          • Correlate pathophysiologic processes of the reproductive systems with clinical manifestations. (CLO 1-6)
          • Compare causes of primary and secondary dysmenorrhea. (CLO 1-6)
          • Contrast causes and clinical manifestations of infectious disorders of the reproductive systems, including sexually-transmitted infections. (CLO 1-6)
          • Discuss causes and treatments of male and female infertility. (CLO 1-6)
        • Learning Materials

          • McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). Elsevier.
            • Chapter 24, “Structure and Function of the Reproductive Systems”
            • Chapter 25, “Alterations of the Female Reproductive System”
            • Chapter 26, “Alterations of the Male Reproductive System”
            • Chapter 27, “Sexually Transmitted Infections”
          Textbook PowerPoint(s)
          Faculty Lecture(s)
          Additional links disscussed in Faculty ppt:
          Optional Resources
        • Faculty Lecture: Alterations of the Female Reproductive System – Part I

        • Faculty Lecture: Alterations of the Female Reproductive System – Cancers and Other Dysfunctions

        • Video: Male Reproductive System – Hormonal Function and Regulation

        • To participate in your Unit 7 and 8 combined Discussion, click the above link to navigate to the discussion board. Then click “Create Thread” and follow the instructions.
          The purpose of this combined Unit 7 and 8 discussion is to develop an in depth understanding of the pathophysiologic alterations of the male and female reproductive systems, as well as the hematologic system. This discussion is intended to allow you to show evidence of achieving the following Course Learning Outcome(s) (CLO):
          CLO1: Apply concepts of pathophysiology at the cellular and systems levels for individuals and populations across the lifespan (ILO 1, 5; PLO 1,3,7,8).
          CLO2: Examine the impact of genetics and epigenetics on lifestyle and selected pathologies across the lifespan (ILO 1,5; PLO 1,3,7,8)
          CLO4: Describe common microorganisms and resulting infectious processes (ILO 1, 5; PLO 1,3,7,8).
          CLO6: Analyze the etiology and advanced pathophysiological alterations of selected body systems for common primary care diagnoses across the lifespan (ILO 1, 5; PLO 1,3,7,8).
          For the Unit 7 discussion, choose one of the following 5 concepts to develop for the discussion board:
          1. Discuss the phases of the normal menstrual cycle. Specify the roles of the hormones as well as pituitary and hypothalamus as they apply to the function and pathophysiology of the cycle.
          2. Describe aging from adult to older adult and the effects on the reproductive cycle for both male and female being sure to address the involved pathophysiology.
          3. Compare/contrast delay and precocious puberty including pathophysiology, causes and variations.
          4. Choose a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Describe the pathophysiology involved and typically testing to identify the pathogen. Include clinical manifestations and typical treatment. What information would you provide to a patient diagnosed with an STI?
          5. Discuss the pathophysiology of anemia of chronic disease. Include a plan for the ongoing monitoring of this type of patient.
          6. Describe the process of Erythrocyte development under normal conditions. How might hypoxia influence this process?
          7. Compare and contrast the physiology of acute lymphocytic leukemia and chronic lymphocytic leukemia.
          8. Describe the pathophysiology of a Glucose-6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency? How would you evaluate for this condition and what is the treatment plan?
          Initial Post:
          • Include at least 2 scholarly, peer reviewed, timely sources (within 5 years) in your response.
          • Writing should be in a professional format with APA appropriate citations and references.
          • Please note that on submission to the discussion board, Blackboard often alters the formatting of the post. This is taken into consideration when faculty grade the post.
          Peer Post:
          • Respond to at least 2 peers whose topics are different than your own and each other.
          • Include at least 1 scholarly, peer reviewed, timely source (within 5 years) in your response.
          • Your response should either add to the content of the topic or based on research findings you include ask additional questions on the topic.
          • Response should be at least 100 words excluding references.
          Faculty Questions:
          • Faculty will be present during the week on the discussion board. It is expected that you will respond to any questions posed directly to you by faculty during the week. A failure to respond may result in a deduction of points as indicated in the Discussion Grading Rubric
          Please refer to the grading rubric for further details on the content expectations. You can find this under “My Grades”, “Unit 7: Discussion”.
          All references should be in APA format.
          Initial post due date: Day 7 (Sunday) of Unit 7
          Peer and Faculty cross post due date: Day 7 (Sunday) of Unit 8
        • To complete the Check Your Knowledge Quiz for Unit 7, click the above link.
          Check Your Knowledge Quizzes are due by Sunday of the week they are posted.

        Unit 8: Etiology and Advanced Pathophysiological Alterations of the Hematologic System


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        • Unit Introduction – Etiology and Advanced Pathophysiological Alterations of the Hematologic System

          Unit 8 provides an overview of the structure and function of the hematologic system. There is specific focus on major components of the hematologic system, development of blood cells and cell lines, mechanisms of hemostasis and the clotting cascade, and clinical evaluation of the hematologic system, alterations in erythrocytes physiology including selected anemias, and alterations in leukocyte, lymphoid and hemostatic function.

          Unit Learning Objectives

          • Correlate the structures of the hematologic system with their function and dysfunction. (CLO 1-6)
          • Correlate pathophysiologic processes of the hematologic system with clinical manifestations. (CLO 1-6)
          • Compare causes, pathophysiology, and treatment for the various types of anemia. (CLO 1-6)
          • Compare causes, pathophysiology, and treatment for the various types of coagulopathy. (CLO 1-6)
          • Compare causes, pathophysiology, and treatment for the various types of leukemias and other types of hematologic malignancies. (CLO 1-6)
        • Learning Materials

          • McCance, K. L., & Huether, S. E. (2019). Pathophysiology: The biologic basis for disease in adults and children (8th ed.). Elsevier.
            • Chapter 28, “Structure and Function of the Hematologic System”
            • Chapter 29, “Alterations of Erythrocyte Function”
            • Chapter 30, “Alterations of Leukocyte, Lymphoid, and Hemostatic Function”
            • Chapter 31, “Alterations of Hematologic Function in Children”
          Textbook PowerPoint(s)
          Faculty Lecture(s)
          Optional Resources
          • Frey, M., Overmann, K. M., Richert, A., & Kerrey, B. T. (2016). Case review: A toddler with severe anemia, pica, and extremity swelling. Journal of Emergency Nursing, 43(6), 578–580. doi:10.1016/j.jen.2016.08.013 Note: Copyright 2016 by Elsevier Health Science Journals. Reprinted by permission of Elsevier Health Science Journals via the Copyright Clearance Center.
          • Howell, D. A., Smith, A. G., Jack, A., Patmore, R., Macleod, U., Mironska, E., & Roman, E. (2013). Time-to-diagnosis and symptoms of myeloma, lymphomas and leukaemias: A report from the Haematological Malignancy Research Network. BMC Hematology, 13(9). doi:10.1186/2052-1839-13-9
            Howell Web Link:
          • Gee, E. (2018). Principles and nursing management of anticoagulation. Nursing Standard, 32(23), 50-63. doi: 10.7748/ns.2018.e11060
        • Faculty Lecture: Structure and Function of the Hematologic System

        • To complete the Check Your Knowledge Quiz for Unit 8, click the above link.
          Check Your Knowledge Quizzes are due by Sunday of the week they are posted.
        • To participate in your Unit 7 and 8 combined discussions, click the above link to navigate to the discussion board. Then click “Create Thread” and follow the instructions.
        • Exam 2 Study Guide

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